
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Monday Meanderings 11 - 6 -- 2023

It seems like all of a sudden I have lots of things going on.  It's starting to impact my ability to get my quilting projects done. Last weekend we had our grand kids. This past Saturday we had a 6 hour rehearsal for our community chorus. This coming weekend we are heading to our beach house for owner meetings. There goes a lot of sewing time.  I got a lot of things marked off my list last week but not everything. 

Here are my goals from last week. 


√Finish 3 Flower Song blocks — One finished, 2 ready to sew together.

✅Sew more ombré log cabin rows together  - 4 left to do. 

✅Continue on Christmas present quilt — columns done.

✅Sew on ornaments — moving forward, probably need to stitch more each week.

Maybe quilt a little quilt? — nope, not done.

I am making good progress on my Ombre Log Cabin.  You might not be able to tell but the left bottom corner still needs to be finished.  I think there are only 4 rows to sew on and they are getting shorter so they'll go faster.  Hopefully I'll finish sewing the rows on Tuesday. I really like how it looks so far. 

The only other photo I got was of the one Flower Song block I got finished.  All the units are made for the last two blocks. Once they are done I can put this quilt top together. (But probably not for a while!) 

I keep doing off-list things.  I volunteered to make 10 Christmas tree "skirts" for some mini trees. A friend volunteers at a food bank and has 50 little trees to donate to the clients. Several friends have agreed to make the little skirts to cover the holder on each tree. I've done 5 but want to finish 5 more this week.  I also have a couple of maple leaves ready to sew. But it turns out I only have a limited time to sew this week. My goals for this week may be too optimistic but I'm going to try to get these things done.  



Add sashing to Christmas present quilt

Sew rest of ombré log cabin rows together

Make 5 more Christmas tree skirts for mini trees

Sew on Grands' ornaments 

Finish the Flower Song blocks 

I don't want to shock but we only have 7 weeks until Christmas.  I have 4 concerts, one trip out of town, a few parties and a whole lot of projects to finish up before then.  I "think" I have things under control. How are you doing?  Are you making progress on your projects? 

Here's the list of Linky parties that I'll be joining this week. I hope you can spend a little time surfing these sites to see what quilters are working on this week. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musing

Sew and Tell 

Now it's time for me to finish this up and see if I can spend a little time working on an ornament.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. EEEK, only 7 weeks!! I hadn't stopped to think about it. Good luck on your goals this week. I will be working on snowman projects.

  2. Maybe you could have a secondary list for those "off-list" items. I understand about schedules that go from open to crammed with conflicting events.

  3. The Flower Song block is really interesting. I like it enough that I'll have to remember it for RSC next year. The ombre quilt is gorgeous! It might be the best use of ombre fabric I've seen.

  4. Since my back is still bothering me, my sewing time is nearly nonexistent, but I stay busy with other activities at the senior center.

  5. Your ombre log cabin is gorgeous, Bonnie! Life does get busy this time of year. I'm trying hard to work on a Christmas gift that has a second week of December deadline - so far, so good!

  6. What a pretty log cabin! I think (at least in my neck of the woods) the holidays are really going to sneak up on us because it’s been warmer than usual. My husband reminded me about the 7 weeks tonight. I told him I didn’t want to hear about it. :/

  7. ohhh Ombre is SO pretty!!!
    It seems like things do that - kind of all busy or nothing?

  8. Your Ombre Log Cabin is really lovely. Good luck with your to do list. I don't think I'm going to get everything done I'd like, but that's not new. I'm trying very hard to be happy with whatever gets done.

  9. Shock you did! ONLY 7 weeks! EEKS!

    I love your ombre quilt the pattern and the fabrics/colors work so well together.

    Good luck on that to do list. It sounds like you have a busy few weeks coming up.

  10. Loving that Ombre Log Cabin quilt, Bonnie! Those "off list" items always seem to sneak in my schedule! LOL Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.

  11. The flower song blocks sure do sing!!!! Beautiful!


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