
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Monday Meandering 2 - 5 - 2024

February -- it snuck up on me but here it is.  A bunch of different ground hogs saw their shadows this week. Supposedly we'll have an early spring.  We haven't had that many really cold days here so maybe the ground hogs will be right.  I spent most of the week in my studio.  I've made some progress quilt-wise but I also kept my reading up.  Nothing I would recommend so I'll move right on to the goals lists. 


Work on secret project — progress is being made.

Make more blocks for FCQ Equilter of the month — a few more done

Finish January Malted Mystery Clue — still need to put the last little border on.

Make a few more RSC Bow Tie blocks — finished the greens and started on reds. 

Finish cutting out brick quilt — one done, one left to kit up

Here are the bowties I've finished so far.  The blocks are only 6" so I figure I'll need a lot of them.  Looking at the greens I realize there are a lot of different shades of green.  I also made 2 of the February reds. I've pulled out fabric for a few more. 

I cut a slew of bricks ((3.5 x 6.5") of pink 30s fabric from the box of donated fabrics I washed for the quilt guild. I used any pink fabric that had animals on it. There were all sorts of animals: cats, dogs, ducks, elephants, lambs and bunnies.  I grabbed a blue check from my stash to give a little contrast to all the pink along with the cream solid squares that provide the offset.

I put these into a kit for a friend to sew together for Virginia Star Quilters. I think I have enough to make another kit. (Hum, I wonder if I can talk my friend into making it too?) I hope to be able to quilt and bind both. They will be about 36" square when done and will be donated to a local NICU. 

Here are this week's goals.  Four items doesn't seem enough but I always have other items I can pull out. 


Put binding on Strippy quilt

Work on UFO #9 

Finish secret project top

Finish cutting out 2nd brick quilt kit

I did work on an off-list project.  I have a few 10" Happy Blocks leftover from a top so I decided to make enough additional blocks to make another top.  I'm aiming for a 4 x 5 setting.  My modus operandi is pulling out all sorts of fabrics for the centers and then find the frames. I've had the centers pulled for a couple of weeks. It's time to get them cut out so I can put the mess away!  I'm picking prints that work for boys and girls.  I need to find some lighter frame fabric as this looks really dark to me. What do you think? So far I have a train, dogs, rubber ducks, monkeys, elephants and other wild animals, a helicopter, fighter jets and some dinosaurs. I have quite a few more to make. (If you want to make some too: 1 - 6" center square, 2 - 2.5 x 6" strips, and 2 - 2.5 x 10" strips.) I try to have several cut out next to my machine as leader enders so when I'm sewing something else these blocks are still being made.

I don't have much going on this week so I should be able to make some headway on all of my goals and continue on block making.  And continue to sew a little (if not several hours) all week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb  = 4/4
  • 15 minute days/Jan  =  31/31
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 35/35 days
  • Success rate = 100%
Please take some time to check out these Linky parties.  It's fun to see what folks are working on this week. 

I'm done for tonight.  It's time to get to bed so I can spend tomorrow stitching! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. You've been busy! Congrats on all the stitching time. I like the pink 19/30s kit, that will be a fun baby quilt. On the Happy Block project, maybe add a few yellow frames? The yellow is bright but it reads light compared to the other blocks. Good luck with your stitching plans for this week.

  2. I like where your bow ties is going, you'll have fun interviewing reds for it this month.

  3. I like your idea of having the happy blocks ready to sew up by your machine. I currently have some waffle block bits there but these would make a great change. Thank you !

  4. You've got some cute baby quilts going together there! I would happily sew together a donation quilt if someone handed me a kit - too bad I don't live close enough to you for that. Happy Blocks parts sound like the perfect leader and ender project, too!

  5. I really like the 'kit' you cut out--the colors are gorgeous and I'm not a 'pink' person!

  6. You are keeping busy! I love the Happy blocks. Many moons ago we made similar blocks but cut them into quarters and rotated two pieces. I wish I could remember the name of the block, but it's more than a decade. You certainly have a wonderful collection of prints!

  7. Sounds like you’ve been busy and accomplished a lot last week. I still haven’t done any quilting, but the good news is that the ablation is scheduled for this Wednesday. I am praying it’s successful so I can live a “normal life” again.

  8. Surely you'll be able to find some light blues, maybe a lime green, perhaps coral? for the happy blocks. I like the pops of blue among the pink bricks.

  9. Love what you have been working on. Those bow ties are really cute!! and a mystery... hmmmm what fun!!

  10. I really hope the groundhog was right this time! Usually when Easter is early, like this year, spring comes more quickly! I'm ready! The daffodils are out and I hope we don't have another cold spell, but usually do right before Easter. Really love your bow tie blocks! Have a great week. Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.