
Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday Meanderings 2 - 12 - 2024

Well, darn.  I had hoped that the 49ers would win the Super Bowl last night.  Tough loss as they were winning most of the game.  Did I really care?  Not so much but I was hoping the Chiefs would lose since they beat the Ravens, a team I've known since their inception in 1996. Sigh. Although I didn't see all the ads I wasn't impressed with most. We know we are not the audience the advertisers are seeking.  On the other hand, with rare exception I couldn't tell you what was being advertised.  Did you have a favorite ad? Did any seem really funny? Let me know what you thought of them.

Last week I put 4 goals on my list.  I'm happy to report I completed them all and some off list items.


✅Put binding on Strippy quilt -- Done! 

✅Work on UFO #9 -- Done until time to quilt it!

✅Finish secret project top -- Done!

Finish cutting out 2nd brick quilt kit -- Done! 

UFO #9 was my Rainbow Scrap Challenge Blocks from 2022.  I remember I wasn't very happy making them because they used a lot of fabric so I couldn't use scraps very often.  I have to say I really like this top.  I'm probably going to put a small white border around it and then use either a multicolored binding or make one.  It may be pulled out again this month so I can add the border. It's doubtful if it will get quilted anytime soon as I have a large number of tops, with backing, waiting.  

I don't always put ongoing block making on my goals list.  Nonetheless, I spent time making some RSC bowtie blocks in red this week. In fact I probably won't make anymore this month. (Note to self -- figure out how many green blocks you made...) 

Here's what one section of my design wall looked this past weekend.  I am a huge fan of Happy Blocks -- if you've read this blog for any length of time you've seen lots of different Happy Blocks with links to directions.  Here are 4 of my latest blocks.  Yes, the Mickey Mouse block is larger than the rest.  

I was gathering all the blocks I have already made and realized I have 3 different sizes in progress. Good Grief! (And I bet I have a couple unquilted tops in my closet too!)  Last week I shared Happy Blocks that started with 6" centers. Mickey is a 5" center and the rest are 4.5" centers. Don't ask how I got 3 different sizes going.  I've been cutting various size blocks so I can get enough to finish these three different quilts. 

Hum, looking at the picture of the bow tie blocks -- I might have gotten too many with the same color value.  I need to take a look and see if there are some other reds that might lighten up these blocks.  

Now on to my goals for this week.  I went a little wild on them so I'll see what I can get done. 


Work on Malted Mystery Feb Clue

Trim appliqué blocks; pick fabric for setting the blocks

Cut out green, black, & white 3 yard quilt

Make a couple of placemats

Look at star quilt

Here are my 15 minutes of stitching results for this past week.  Another great week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 31/31 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 11/29 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 42/42 days
  • Success rate = 100%

It's time to get on with my Monday.  I usually write and post my blog Sunday evening... you know what I was doing instead... darn football game! Ok, truth told I was only looking up every once in a while as I was starting a new book. I really could have written this last night but... 

Take some time to check out blogs across the world. 

Oh Scrap

Life in Pieces Stitching Stuff

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

That's it for today.  Have a great week and a Happy Valentine's Day. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Yeah for a completed to do list! Your 2022 RSC quilt turned out beautifully. Good luck on keeping up your 100% streak on stitching time and getting your to do list checked off.

  2. I’m not a football fan, so I didn’t see any of the game or commercials. I was surprised that the game went into overtime - definitely better than a blowout.

  3. I watched some of the game not all of it - I usually like the halftime show and enjoy the ads - they were ok but I haven't hear anything this morning about "oh those ads were so great and funny" some were amusing but nothing stood out to me. I was for the Chiefs but I'm not a super fan glad they won I think the overtime was the part I watched the most LOL

  4. Good progress. I definitely need to finish up my house projects so I can get back into my sewing room.

  5. I didn't watch the game! It's good to get a good view of the in process blocks; nice to see what's up next!

  6. I love your RSC 2022 blocks - they make a fun, colorful design! We were rooting for the 49ers, too - both Kyle Shanahan and Christian McCaffrey have dads who were Denver Broncos, so we're fans of them.

  7. We were rooting for the Chiefs. :) The RSC blocks look terrific all together -- intense colors.

  8. Such amazing blocks in your collection I really like the turning twisting RSC from 2022. We had a split decision on who to root for in my house. But the ending was nail biting for sure.

  9. You are really getting lots done by sewing everyday.
    The happy blocks are so neat. Will you make three quilts from them?


  10. Love that RSC 2022 flimsy. That is a fun block. Your other blocks are fun too. And, yes, I have a top or two that needs quilting as well! LOL Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.