
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Help -- What Color Border?

I've finished the applique on the turkey wall hanging.  And I need HELP!  I'm going to add a border before I add  a border of dark, fall color 3" blocks. I auditioned several different ones.  What do you think? 

This is a deep purple moda marble.

This is a solid black. 

And, a goldish-brown directional print. (In fact, both of the goldish-browns are directional...just another hassle trying to get it to look right.) 

And the other goldish-brown. The directional part of this fabric is slight lines going the length of the fabric.  The above directional has lines with little circles on it.  

So, what do YOU think?  Any opinions out there?  I'm leaning to one of the goldish-browns. Rats... I didn't want to have to deal with the directional fabric but I guess it won't be all that hard.  

Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going on a field trip with Country Piecemakers Guild.  We're heading out to Mechanicsville and a quilt shop out there.  Then we'll have lunch. And, I suspect we'll come home after that.  I already know I'm planning on buying some fabric. Or at least I think I am.  Now do you see why I am trying to finish several smaller projects?  Everything is going to come to a screeching halt on Monday as I need to clean house a bit for Thanksgiving and do a bit of grocery shopping. I'd like to get some new pillows for the beds too. I'll be able to sew more this Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday afternoon.  I'm trying to finish this wall hanging, a table runner and a baby quilt all before the end of the month. YIKES!  Am I crazy. (Maybe but think of the amount of fabric I will have used when added to the queensize quilt!) And, there is always Sunday, Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I might actually succeed in getting all this stuff done. 

Happy quilting all. 


  1. Love the turkey!!! I printed off the pattern to make with DGS2 today, but she is sick instead. The purple!!! I was reading someone's blog today that said to always include purple in fall quilts, it always goes!! Have fun fondling fabric.

  2. It depends on how much emphasis you want to give the turkey. If you don't want it to stand out, use the gold, but if you want it to stand out, use the black. With your choices, I am drawn to the black, but maybe a warm brown would be better. The purple doesn't do much for the proud turkey, which is wonderful.

  3. I agree with the black. Makes the turkey stand out.

  4. I like the purple best. If not the purple maybe a red similar to the waddle(sp?) on the turkey. The black reads as flat to me, and the gold blends in too much. You know the way it goes, ask a dozen quilters, get a dozen answers ;-)

  5. Lots of ideas is fine. Melodie -- I don't have enough of the red to use it. The black would be soooo much easier than the golds -- they are both directional and I actually may not have enough of one of them.

    I'm galavanting about today so this will wait until Friday. Keep the comments coming. I appreciate all of them. B.

  6. I like the gold color. Sorry it's directional but that's not too hard.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.