
Monday, February 28, 2011

Design Wall Monday 2-28-11

Here's what's adorning the design wall... just a slight variation from previous weeks.  So the question now is do I use the piano key border or a plain border? Evidently we were to send two pieces of fabric that were used in the blocks.  I've sewn some together.  The top shows the red in the hour glass blocks and the left side shows a white on white.  I would actually use the same white that is in the hour glass blocks if I did the white.  Of course, I should tell you I don't really like white on the outside of quilts much, especially wall quilts.  When you put them on the wall the quilt fades into the wall too much for my likes. I'm thinking I like the piano key however I also think it needs a small stopping border before the piano key is put on.  Hum, would black be too much?  Or perhaps a white.  What's your opinion.  And, should I use the hour glass or something else?  (I have 3 already made so.... )  Or I could call it quits with the top and leave it without borders. 

These little blocks, 4.5" finished, are part of a signature swap on Small Quilt Talk on Yahoo.  I have to get 10 more made and in the mail.  Not a pressing time frame but it would really ring my bell if I turned them in early.  I am never early for anything! 

Have you gone to Patchwork Times to see what is on other people's design wall? 

Here's last week's goals:

    • Finish the stretched star quilt -- make & sew on binding.  Done!
    • Finish a surprise doll quilt... it needs to go in the mail to Heather ~~ waving at you up in Canada. Oops, not yet.
    • Add a border to the Valentine's Quilt. Oops, not yet.
    • Make the backing for Super Duper Easy quilt, Mysteries for Relay #13. Halfway, I didn't do the measurements correctly so this is almost done. 

This week's goals:
    • Finish a surprise doll quilt. I really need to focus on this! 
    • Finish the backing and quilt Super Duper Easy. 
    • Finish the Valentine's Quilt. 
    • Get the center part of the scrap quilt together. 
    • Finish the swap blocks. 
    • Pick something new to work on.  

My mantra for the week must be finish.  Let's hope I do a little of that this week.  That's it for today.  Happy Quilting Everyone. 


  1. I agree. It needs a stop between the border and blocks. A small red one would be perfect. I like the piano key border the best.

    If you felt really ambitious, you could do a white/red/white border between the quilt and piano key border which would frame the quilt very nicely.

    It will be beautiful any way you do it.

  2. Yes, it needs a small solid border before the piano keys. It might be fun to try a slender black border to see what it does for the quilt.

  3. Yes, it needs a stop border - preferable of something not used in the quilt previously, so you don't see a missing tooth effect. I like the piano keys, but wouldn't use the hourglass cornerstone. How about a nine patch of fabrics from the piano keys. This will be a cute little quilt!

  4. So cute!! I would go with a light colored fabric for a little border maybe a pink or white. The piano keys will add to the overall effect very nicely. Great quilt.

  5. I really like the piano keys, and I agree that a stopping border is needed - black would pop it up (of course I am a black and red person-dramatic). I like the hour glass corner, just continue changing the red/white hour glass (two white hour glass touching is fighting with me, make that corner a red hour glass).

  6. I like the piano keys but agree that a plain border in between would look wonderful. Cute quilt.

  7. Very pretty quilt! A stop border would be good but maybe in a light pink? I like the piano key border too idea too:) I just love the way the hourglass blocks form square in squares--I've got a WIP with the same sort of design.

  8. Pretty quilt! I like the piano key but I think I'd make each key narrower-they're rather large and overwhelming for the the adorable and more delicate quilt center.
    I've used a colored binding when I didn't want a white border to dissolve into the wall.

  9. I love when quilters ask for opinions :)
    I think I'd like a white stop border and a scrappy piano key border, but narrower than on the design wall.

  10. I agree -- it does need a stop. I would audition all the ideas above to see which you like best.

    It's such a happy quilt.

  11. Love the piano border but I would use a 1 inch border between it and the quilt blocks.

  12. Very pretty! I love the piano key border, with a solid border first. It's going to be lovely!

    Good luck with your next weeks goals!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.