
Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Old Is Too Old?

Fabric that is...

            while chatting with Jenny and Brian this weekend I mentioned I had made my own bumper pads before Jenny was born.  And, that led me to comment that I still had some of the fabric left in my stash.  Brian's comment was it was way too old to have sitting around still.  So, what do you all think?  Is a 30+ year old fabric too old to keep in the stash and use?  

Yep, it's a calico.  No ultra sounds unless there was a major issue so we didn't know if we'd have a boy or a girl so the room was done in browns and yellows.  Which at the time I liked. I still like this calico although I don't think I've used it in any of my recent scrap quilts.  Hum, maybe I should cut a piece to put in the big scrap quilt that is currently on the back burner while I do some little projects,  although I am still using the borders as leader/enders. 

I loaded this stretched star quilt on Ruthie today and got it quilted in about an hour and a half.  Just large free motion stippling.  I cut and pinned the binding tonight but will be sewing it together tomorrow. 

I guess I wimped out on my goals for last week.  There wasn't much on the list: 

     • Sew on 2009 Bunny Hill BOM A Tisket, A Tasket.
    • Finish Sophia's sweater.
    • Load something on Ruthie. 
    • Enjoy a safe trip to Maryland. 

I did all but loading something on Ruthie last week. 

Here is a short goal list for the rest of this week.

    • Finish the stretched star quilt -- make & sew on binding. 
    • Finish a surprise doll quilt... it needs to go in the mail to Heather ~~ waving at you up in Canada.
    • Add a border to the Valentine's Quilt.
    • Make the backing for Super Duper Easy quilt, Mysteries for Relay #13.    See the top here

Hum, I may need to redefine the word SHORT.  I was pleasantly surprised to realize it wouldn't be all that hard to put together the backing for Super Duper once I found some fabric.  In fact, I was able to find enough of one fabric to use.  It won't take long to quilt although it won't be as fast as the stretched stars.  

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Good luck with your short list! Setting goals always gets me to do more than I might have without them. Binding a big quilt is my goal this week.

  2. great stuff-I work better with lists too, short and long!
    How did we survive not having sonograms and having to wait until the birth to know boy/girl??? Makes me feel like a cave-woman...


  3. It's hard to beat a good calico fabric. I'd say if it can still take a good tug and doesn't split, it's not to old to use.

    I wimped out on my goals this week, too. The winter doldrums are setting in at my house.

  4. I think I've got a bit of that calico! As long as the fabric's in good condition, I don't think there's such a thing as "too old." If there was, we wouldn't have any of those great vintage feedsacks!


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