
Thursday, June 29, 2017

June OMG - Completed

I'm done with everything for my June One Monthly Goal You can see the first two finishes here

This is pinwheel #3. You can see the pieced backing here. I bound it in the same  polka dots as the backing and binding on #4. 

And, #4.  I had run out of any possible fabric to use on the back of this one.  It's 44 x 56" or so.  With a 60% off coupon from JoAnn Fabrics in my hand, I went to see what I could find.  I haven't been shopping all that much at JoAnns recently because I'm trying to use up fabric rather than purchase new fabric.(Well, that and that giant addition of fabric I made in May!)   Let me tell you I was shocked to see the prices on the "calico" wall.  You know what I mean -- the wall that has 3 or so long shelves with less impressive fabric?  Not so many old fashioned calicos were there.  More up-to-date looking fabric but it was all priced at either $7.99 a yard or $9.99 a yard.  YIKES.  In the end my 3 yards of fabrics cost me just under $13.  I liked the cute polka dot on the mottled blue and it = looked good with the top.  

I used a new quilting design that I love!  It is called Malachite.  I had seen it on someone else's blog so went to look at it on Urban Elements' page.  I bought it although it is bigger than I normally use.  I was very happy with how this turned out.  In fact, up close you can't really see the rows. 

I really wanted to get all four of these finished this month but the last week or so I've been goofing off more than sewing.  Today I made an all out effort to bind both quilts.  And, yep, I used up nearly all of the cute polka dots getting these two finished.  It was late in the day so the bottom photo isn't as bright as it should be.

All four pinwheel quilts hanging on the long arm. One thing I need to let you know.  Most of these blocks were already done.  I think I made 2 for the child quilt.  The saddest part is I haven't used all up all of the blocks.  I'll wait a while and do another couple to try to clear these out of my UFO list. 

Today I'll be sharing with Elm Street Quilt and Needle and Thread Thursday

Here's some of the day lilies that have begun blooming in the yard.  When we had the landscaping done last winter I really wanted to have different colors of lilies instead of the standard orange.  We've got a lovely mix of colors.  It will be wonderful to see them in a couple of years when they fill out more. 

This red one would probably make a great natural dye. My fingers came away red when I plucked off a dying flower.  And it didn't wash out.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Great quilt top! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. The quilts look fabulous all lined up: congratulations on reaching your goal.

    Quilt shop fabric prices in my area are $13 - 15 for a yard.

  3. Waytago, Bonnie!! Your day lilies are gorgeous. We only had one to bloom this year but it had 5 blooms.

  4. Your four quilts look great, all hanging out together! Like a gaggle of cousins :)

  5. Congrats on your finishes! They all look very nice!

  6. Pretty finishes, and lovely flowers too!


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