
Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday Meandering 6 - 26 - 2017

I decided to try a different outdoor location for my photo shoot this afternoon. Hum, I'm not sure this works as well as I thought it would.  The quilt, on top of a sheet, is sitting on the grass in the backyard.  I took the photo standing on the deck above it.  Yep, keystoning going on here, but overall a brighter picture than the ones I take in the studio. 
And here's the back of the quilt: I happened to have a length of blue with white stars that I added a big of light grey to.  I found an old piece of gold Marbles that wasn't particularly wide but was quite long.  I'm thinking it might have been used for a border at some time.  I was happy to be able to use it for the binding. 
And quilt #2 -- navy blue and beige pinwheels. 
And, the back this one which was one length of fabric. A friend gave me the fabric a while ago when she found out I make QOV quilts.  This one will go to a nursing home since it is so small -- about 36" square.  I was tickled to find some red and black check for the binding. 

For those who read of my dilemma last week, I still haven't found the flower wall hanging -- neither the back or flowers, leaves and stems that are already to be sewn on!  Argh.  I may start panicking one day soon.  I've looked in all the places I thought I might have put it! Do I want to mention I also can't find my fine line chalk pencil too? EEKS! 

Here's the goals from last week.  Not bad. 
June19, 2017
Hand quilt on Civil War Quilt
Quilt another pinwheel quilt (#3)
Bind pinwheel quilt #2 (and maybe #3) No, not yet
Start appliqueing flower wall hanging UGH Can’t find
Make some fabric boxes

And for this coming week --
June 26, 2017
Bind pinwheel quilt (#3)
Keep hand quilting on Civil War Quilt
Make some fabric boxes
Lay out UFO Grid Lock and start sewing into a top
Make backing for pinwheel quilt #4 and quilt it

I'm linking up with my favorite Monday linky parties: Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward.  Take some time to visit a few of the posts.  I am always so inspired after looking at several posts.  On the other hand I also seem to have a longer list of what I'd like to do some day.  

Happy Quilting All, Bonnie 


  1. I really like those quilts! and.... it's in the fridgerator, under the salad.... yep... that's where all my pens end up.... maybe yours are siblings to mine ;-)

  2. Oh no, I hope the missing project is soon found.

  3. Very nice finishes on those pinwheels! The flag fabric works really well as a backing. Sometimes a design like that can be hard to use in blocks, probably because the RWB color scheme already has so much contrast.

    Good luck finding your project!

  4. Pretty quilts and I love the binding and the backing your picked for them. I hope you find your missing project soon.



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