
Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday Meanderings 10 - 23 - 2017

All of my sewing this past week has been focused on the birthday party we went to on Saturday. We were celebrating Theo's and Ellie's birthdays.  Theo had to wait since mid September and Ellie celebrated a few days early.  I doubt Theo minded!  

I took very few pictures for some reason.  But once Theo had eaten cake (read that as got cake all over him...) he was hanging out in a diaper.  Kevin grabbed his Halloween shirt and covered him up -- just to keep him a little warmer. He cleaned up pretty well, didn't he?   

On the other hand, Rapunzel didn't get all that dirty eating cake (or dinner for that matter.) She'd been playing outside all afternoon so her cute little off to the side braid was a mess by this time. 

She and her 2 friends along with her 2 cousins played upstairs for a bit.  It was amazing how much noise 5 girls could make!  But I was happy to see that she was able to dress her baby doll in this outfit.  Thank goodness for Velcro™!  These fairly simple doll clothes took me two days to make.  Of course, I didn't devote sustained time on them so maybe 8 hours all-together  
Ellie loves to play with my Ginny doll when she visits.  So far she can't dress the doll herself.  Heck, Velcro™ wasn't invented . . .  oops, actually it was invented in 1955.  Ok, so it wasn't widely distributed until much later.  My Grandma Ruth made me numerous doll dresses for all sorts of different dolls.  I particularly like my Ginny doll for the grands because she's small and child-like.  Did you have a Ginny doll growing up?  (Do you have any doll clothes patterns for her?) One of these days I'll share her with you and some of her clothes.  

As I was putting my purse away at Kevin's house I noticed a rubber duck.  I've shared several of ducks here and here. I had to take a picture and share.  Nancy, here'ssssss Elvis!
We had a good time at the birthdays celebration.  Good food and fun to see all of the grands at one time.  However, with the Halloween and birthday sewing done I can now start back on my quilting projects.  You'll notice I didn't get that stray kite block done yet.  I did get it cut out though!  So a tiny bit of progress was made. 

Most of my goals were achieved. 

October 16, 2017
Finish 2nd skirt
Embroider 2 more shirts
Make 2 baby doll outfits√ I ran out of time so 1 was done
Make last kite block didn’t even try to do this

Finish binding the trip around the world quilt  (I'll share it later.) 

Here's what I'm hoping to get done this week. 
October 23, 2017
Make last kite block and sew blocks into top
Make and mail FCQ Equilter pinwheel blocks
Pick a charity top and quilt it
Clean the front side of the cutting table

I'd be happy if I got all of these projects done even though the list seems pretty short to me.  On the other hand I have an ebook that needs to be returned in 2 days and I'm only about 40% finished.  I'm planning on doing some reading too! 

I'm linking up with my regular linky parties: Oh Scrap!Monday MakingMain Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward.  Take some time to see what folks around the web are doing these days.  Enjoy. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. You have a fair amount planned for the week. You'll be busy in the sewing room. :-) Cute pictures of these little ones.

  2. Oooh, I love ❤️ Elvis! I'm amazed at the variety of rubber ducks.

    Theo looks sweet in the Halloween shirt you embroidered for him. I've never heard of a Ginny doll. I had three dolls but none were baby dolls.

  3. I had Muffy first, then got Ginny to keep her company. My folks found a bunk bed for them and Mom made the mattresses, pillows, and sheets. Muffy and Ginny went in an 1984 estate sale and the beds went in my garage sale earlier this month.

  4. Like Libby, I had Muffy first and then Ginny. Bunk beds, too. I still have two of them though I don't know if they are Muffy or Ginny. Bunk beds (turquoise plastic) went long, long, long ago.

  5. What a good grandma you are. That is what makes memories for the little ones.

  6. That Boo shirt looks great on Theo. He's a little cutie, along with your little Rapunzel. Good luck with your goals for the week.

  7. I loved my Ginny doll and the first sewing I did as a child was to make her clothes. She had a Ginny doll closet full of clothes, mostly homemade. I'm sure I still have it all in some box that I've moved many times over the years, but which box is the question.
    You're a wonderful Grandma, Bonnie! I love reading about your travels, moves, children, grandchildren, retreats and on and on. Hope you and Pat are well. Gail Frenz

  8. Playing dolls is so much fun. Cute little outfits.

  9. That's a cute doll outfit. It's amazing how long those little clothes take to make, isn't it? You'd think that because they're smaller, with shorter seams, they would go faster. You have cute grandchildren.

  10. Very Happy Birthday to the cute little kiddos. Great job with sewing the doll clothes. Beautiful!



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