
Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday Meandering 10 - 16 - 2017

Halloween is brewing around here! 

For several years I've made the grands shirts embroidered with Halloween designs. This year I'm adding a couple of 3 tiered skirts to go with the shirts for Ellie and Natalie.  Sophie would never wear a skirt so she's on her own for pants to go with her shirt.  Theo doesn't have a lot of say on his clothing right now so he'll be wearing his shirt whether he likes it or not. (But of course he'll like it!)  

Here's one of the finished skirts with the shirt to go with it.  I was quite pleased to find this cute little skeleton to go with the skeletons on the middle tier of the skirt.  Unfortunately, I got the shirts (navy blue shown here for Ellie while Natalie's is black) before I decided to make the skirts.  I'm sure no one will care.  

To add pizzazz to the shirt design I got some glow-in-the-dark thread.  It is pretty cool. (On the other hand it seemed ridiculously expensive.)  Hopefully I can do the other 2 shirts for the girls with it.  Theo got a bright orange
You notice something odd in this picture?

Yep, I'm missing one block.  I was at the community quilt gathering stitching away on these blocks and ran out of the kite shapes.  UGH.  I guess I don't count so well!  I'll cut out one more pair and get them sewn up so I can start on the borders.  This is my OMG for October and it is half over already.  Yikes. Have you finished your October One Monthly Goal? 

So my weekly goals were somewhat successful.
October 9, 2017
Cut out and piece star quilt√ -1 – oops!
Make another log cabin block didn’t happen
Start 3 tiered skirt √ 1 done, 1 started
Start the Halloween shirts√ 2 done
Finish binding the trip around the world quilt ¼ done…

Here's what's going to be done by next week... hopefully.  Everything except the kite block and binding needs to be ready to take to Ellie and Theo's birthday celebration on Saturday.  Good thing I can sew fast! 
October 16, 2017
Finish 2nd skirt
Embroider 2 more shirts
Make 2 baby doll outfits
Make last kite block
Finish binding the trip around the world quilt

That's it  for me today.  I need to get sewing to get all this done and presents wrapped by Saturday! I'm linking up with my regular linky parties: Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward.  Take some time to see what folks are doing these days by visiting these linky parties.  Enjoy. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. The skirts are so dang cute with the shirt - they will love them.

    I still need to make a backing for the QOV that I finished recently. It was put on hold while I went to my sister's and played with lots of yarn.

  2. The skirts and tees are so cute! Aren't those stars the ones you took to retreat and couldn't work on? "Ad astra per aspera" ("to the stars through hardships")!

  3. So cute, Bonnie. What a great tradition.

  4. No! I haven't finished my OMG yet, but I'm making good progress. I remember last year when you shared the embroidered shirts you made - I love that you added skirts this year. And glow in the dark thread! How fun! (The kids are so worth it... :) )

  5. Love that skeleton T, very fun. The skirt is so cute. She'll be very well dressed for any Halloween parties.


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