
Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Meanderings 10 - 9 - 2017

Karen Eckmeier showing us how to line up our log cabins when we sew them together. 
What a great weekend!  I write this sitting in Sharon's house after a great weekend of quilting classes. Karen Eckmeier came in to teach two classes: Scrappy Layered Log Cabin and Happy Villages.  They were great fun and very easy, mellow classes. You can see Karen's work at her website The Quilted Lizard.  Here are the scrappy log cabin blocks we made: 
My scrappy log cabin blocks. 
Sharon's scrappy log cabin blocks with the triangles added.  Hers turned out a bit smaller than mine and she added the little triangles. I wasn't going to add them but decide they really add to the whole block.  The whole technique was easy, no stress piecing. 

I'm looking forward to finishing these, especially the log cabin.  I'll share the Happy Village pictures later this week.  It was so much fun to just go with the flow -- no precision piecing, lots of chatting while working.  Most of us got 4 to 6 log cabins finished.  Some got way more.  But I'm always so happy to see friends I don't see on a regular basis that I spend a bit of time chatting when I could be focusing on the class.  It was all good.  

My goals for last week were pretty well accomplished.  

October 2, 2017
Cut out & piece star quilt nope     
Finish quilting TAW
Prep fabrics for weekend class
Enjoy classes in Maryland

This week I'm hoping to get more done on specific projects. 
October 9, 2017
Cut out and piece star quilt
Make another log cabin block
Start 3 tiered skirt
Start the Halloween shirts
Finish binding the trip around the world quilt

I'm off to do a little piecing before I head home to Virginia.  Once I'm home I'll probably spend a little time surfing the web to see what folks are doing this week.  Check out these linky parties: Monday Making, Moving It Forward, Oh Scrap!, and Main Crush Monday.

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The log cabin blocks are interesting, and I'm always interested in stress-free sewing.

  2. Love the concept, love the blocks -- envy you the opportunity to take the workshop!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend and a fun class. Looking forward to seeing more of your relaxed log cabins.

  4. Karen is such a good teacher. Laid back, fun and informative!

  5. Looks like some scrappy and colorful fun. I liked the triangles added to the mix.

  6. So much fun with colours and friends!! That's the best!!


  7. Looks like liberated log making and those fabrics are too yummy. Hope you get some rest after your trip.


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