
Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Meanderings 3 - 16 - 2020

What a difference a week can make.  Covid 19 is controlling our lives and all of a sudden we have LOTS of time we can quilt. Pat and I are taking the threat seriously as I have several of the indicators for being at high risk.  We went grocery shopping on Friday after we worked out.  It wasn't long before lots of events and places were canceled or closed.  Our 55+ community chose to close our clubhouse which sure ended a social life around here for the most part.  Our only regret is we use the workout room on a regular basis and that is no longer available.  Although we can use a commercial gym nearby it isn't worth the risk.  Can you say "Take a Walk?" 

So I've been quilting like crazy.  I've finished the dog quilt shown here. Here's a recap of the story behind these dogs.  My guild in Maryland (FCQ) gave out bags of fabric and challenged us to make a quilt for charity.  The quilts were to be shown at our show in April.  My buddy Sharon happened to get a bag with cat fabric and I got the dog fabric. Which actually is our personal preferences for pets.  Funny that we both finished them yesterday. Here's mine -- 

And here's a look at the back.  I used a wide back in a mottled brown that I bought at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt show in February. 
Well, rats.  You can't see the quilt design very well.  You can click on the pictures and they should enlarge for you.  I used a brown So Fine thread from Superior Threads and a panto called Puppy Paws from Urban Elementz. (Wow!  It just happens to be on sale until 3/17.) Since I seem to make dog quilts a lot it's been a great panto to have. 

The FCQ quilt show scheduled for April has been postponed.  The likely replacement time is sometime late in September or October. So there was no need to rush on that quilt and this one below. But I'm glad to have them done. 

This quilt is a charity quilt from FCQ.  I can't attend many events or meetings but I like to give back to the guild as much as I can.  I usually take several larger charity quilts each year and quilt them.  This quilt was made by Carol.  She says she is addicted to this pineapple style and thinks she's made at least 50!  I know I've quilted another one for sure.  How generous of her to donate these to our charity efforts. 
My last share is a surprise that came in the mail on Thursday.  Talk about a surprise.  Nann, who blogs at With Strings Attached, sent me a box packed with fabric. I'm a lucky friend.  OMG!  I've petted them and moved them and pulled a few for immediate use.  But here is what she sent minus the ballerinas that are going to become a happy quilt block immediately. 
Isn't that lime green floral and green stripe fun?  I'm trying to decide if that is a pillowcase in the making or a quilt.  See the spools?  That's one of a group of sewing related fabrics that are all cut at 6" of so. (Sorry didn't measure it.)  Of all the fabrics she sent I only have one that I "think" I had or hey, I may still have in my collection of plaids.  Thanks Nann! 

So all my goals I set last week were accomplished. The goals were all about the dog quilt.  So here's what I'll work on this week: 

1. Decide on a border for Talking Turkey wallhanging & get started making it. 
2. Pull out a charity quilt top from the Virginia Star Quilters and quilt it. 
3. Start trimming and sewing into a top the star blocks from my last FCQE Quilters turn. 

I'm not going to go wild here on goals -- no doubt I'll get more done but I'm giving myself permission to pick and choose what I want to work on.  I do have backing for several quilts I've had hanging in the closet.  No doubt I'll keep pulling one or two out to get finished.  (That might help me get back into the "used more" than "acquired" category for fabric my stash.) 

I need your help.  Somewhere (and I think it was on a blog) last week I saw an opportunity to make a donation to Project Linus and receive a new? quit pattern called Side by Side. From what I can tell it isn't on the national Project Linus web page.  Does anyone know where I saw it?  Help.  I thought it might be an easy project to do during this enforced studio time.  

Today has already gotten away with me.  Since we don't get up to work out we tend to goof off and spend time on the internet more than usual.  On the other hand it's important to keep up, right?  I'll be heading to the studio once I get this posted. 

I'm linking with my regular parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Design Wall Monday.  I have more time to surf the net this week so I'll be checking out what's going on in quilter's studios all over the web.

Stay safe everyone! 

Happy Quilting.  Bonnie 


  1. it looks like you will be busy for awhile Bonnie. I have a lot to do here too. This virus will keep us all at home for awhile I think. I love that pineapple quilt! really nice. I am no longer going to the fitness center either I will stay home and walk here or drive to the trails.

  2. What an odd feeling this social isolation is! Glad the box arrived -- I had never put that stripe and floral next to one another. They look good together! Have fun!

  3. Life seems to have changed overnight - many places closing in town and people (myself included) are self isolating. I made my last grocery run this morning - shelves still empty no fresh or frozen veggies. Last stop was the bank for some cash to have on hand. I need to establish a routine or I’ll be wasting my time and getting nothing done.

  4. bonnie...i am a FCQ-er as your doggie i was at the gym and watching the governor while he closed all fitness centers..booo...i got a care pkg from nann too...what fun we will have!

  5. Wow! Your Doggie quilt turned out really great. That panto is perfect for it, even if you have to squint a bit to see it. I'm sure it shows up really nicely in person. And what a super surprise batch of fabric from Nann! Lots of fun stuff in there.

  6. I love that charity quilt - the colors and the blocks. I may have to bookmark it and try that sometime.


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