
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Monday Meanderings 3 - 9 2020

I have nothing new to show for my hard work this week.  Ok, so, one day was a road trip to three Richmond quilt shops, I showed all the finished units for the doggie quilt last week, and Friday through Sunday we were in OBX at our beach house and I didn't take any sewing with me. (But by the time we got home on Sunday I had finished 3 books.) 

Saturday we attended the annual OBX Community Quilt Show at the Roanoke Island Festival Park.  QUILT SHOW HOURS:  Mon–Fri 9AM to 4PM, Saturday 10AM to 4PM, Sunday CLOSED. The show runs until March 21st.  The challenge quilts were Beach Box to Bungalo -- houses.  I have a small quilt (unfinished on my design wall) that would have been great to finish and enter.  Needless to say there was no way I was going to be able to do that and finish my Let's Sing quilt.  So, no, I didn't finish and enter that quilt. 

It is not a huge quilt show but it has some really nice quilts.  The challenge quilts are wonderful and some are so very creative. There are several quilts made by young people. And, several beautiful old quilts.  I only took a few pictures: 
Bermuda Houses by Chris Cooper 
Dream Big Daffodil Wholecloth quilted by Marsha Sachs inspired by Hoffman's Dream Big preprinted panel.
Close up of Dream Big Daffodil Wholecloth. 
OBX Community Quilters Raffle Quilt. FYI - I hope to win this quilt!
I really should have taken more pictures as there were some great quilts there.  If you are going to the OBX in the next few weeks it is a nice quilt show and it's free!.  You can read more about what else is available to see and do at Roanoke Festival Island on Wikipedia.  Also near by is the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site which is where the original English settlers lived and disappeared from in the 16th century.  The disappearance of the original settlers remains an unsolved mystery to this day. 

Goal Tending: 
March 2, 2020
Finish doggie blocks and sew into top
Cut out and stitch table runner to donate to FCQ quilt show
Finish green fingerless mitts
Go to Richmond to visit some quilt shops
Make next FCQ Equilter blocks

March 9, 2020
Sew doggie blocks into a top
Prep and load top on Ruthie 2
Quilt doggie top and prep binding

I'm not adding any more to my goal list as I must have this top done by next week.  Hopefully I'll have something new of mine to show you next week.  Specifically a finished doggie quilt! 

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday,  and Design Wall Monday.  And, even though I have a full plate with the quilt I need to finish, I hope to spend some time surfing blogs during the week! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Thanks for the mini show. Love the beach houses.

  2. Love those Bermuda Houses--they really do look like that;))
    thanks so much for sharing hugs, Julierose

  3. that daffodil wholecloth is amazing and love the houses

  4. Such beautiful quilts! I hope you win the raffle quilt.

  5. Local shows are great fun to attend. That's a great theme for a guild challenge.

  6. That beach house quilt is really unique!!

  7. Thanks for sharing the details and some of the quilts from the show!! Best of luck in attaining your goals this week.

  8. Bermuda Houses is lovely. The quilted clouds and waves are just perfect. I also love how the effect of roof tiles is conveyed just by quilting. May be next time you will enter...

  9. I hope you win the raffle! That's a seriously neat quilt :)

  10. I love going to quilt shows: they are so inspiring and rev up the juices to finish projects to start new ones. You know the drill. Pretty quilts shown. I also love your doggies and can't wait to see it together.

  11. Hi Bonnie,
    Thanks for the quilt show pics. I think the flower is a dahlia, not a daffodil, and the quilting on it was fantastic. I wish I could machine quilt. Hope to see your doggies quilt on your blog soon! Judy


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