
Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday Meanderings 10 - 12 - 2020

 Yea for the start of another week!  I'm just about done with my OMG and I'm really ready to hang out and not be so focused on my quilting goals for a couple of days. 

It's hard to believe but my design wall is mostly empty.  Well, except for the "important" stuff I hang on the edges because I don't want to lose it. 

Today I thought I would share one of my Halloween quilts.  I have a series of quilts that get hung around my house for Halloween.  This one is called Trick or Treat.  It was started in October of 1999 as a row robin with a group of people who had met on Prodigy. It traveled back and forth across the United States and even visited Spain before it was returned to me.  We each made a row but did not attach the rows.  I did that when I finished it a few years after it came home. 

My row was the pumpkins. These were paper pieced from a free pattern from one of my local quilt stores. (How is it I can remember that detail from over 20 years ago and I can't tell you what I did yesterday?) (All pictures should enlarge if you click on them.)

The next row is "Wanted" with witches, ghosts and pumpkins. 
And, of course, we have to have some black cats and bats. Candy Cane Sue is looking for treats.  

Along with some of her friends. 
Some nice geometric blocks card "tricks" and rails finish it off.   

But wait! There's more! 

I started a label before I sent off my pumpkins and asked everyone to sign it and identify their row. 

Do you know any of these quilters?  I'd love to hear what they are doing these days.  

I've entered this quilt in guild Halloween quilts activities.  It was voted best halloween quilt in one of them.  It always gets a lot of oohs and ahs when I share it.  No doubt I've actually shared it on my blog before but this seemed a good time to share it again.  It's one of my favorite quilts.  

The other great thing about the quilt is that label.  I wanted folks to identify their row and for that to be a permanent part of the quilt.  Thus I made a big label.  I spent time to "fancy" it up.  I'm guessing I traced the tree, title, and bat.  Maybe all the rest were free hand drawing. (I'm not known for my drawing ability!) I've used this label as an example of what you can do to your labels to add some fun to your quilt.  

I'm linking with my favorite Monday Linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  Please take some time to check them out and visit various blogs.  You never know when you'll see something that you just have to make. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. It’s adorable! I can see why it’s your favorite: it’s fun, whimsical, and colorful.

  2. So fun! I really like the bat blocks. You can make anything with HSTs :)

  3. Lovely group quilt, and the label is very special too.

  4. Those rows are pretty spectacular. It's a fun Halloween quilt and even better, it has lots of fun memoires attached to it.


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