
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To Do Tuesday!

Did you succeed with your to do list this past week?  I'm calling mine successful.  But you'll see below I really missed it.  Here's last week's list:


Quilt one lap quilt Almost done, 2 rows more

Continue working on 3 kid’s quilts✔️2 are tops the 3rd one is begun

Change water fabric on landscape quilt ✔️ done and it looks better

Keep making Snowball blocks. ✔️ I think I did 6 or 7 of them

And this coming week doesn't look a whole lot different but I'm hoping to finish all the quilts. 


Make 1 more quilt

Finish quilting 3 quilts

Bind 4 quilts

Add pieces (steps, windows and roofs) to the landscape quilt 

Pick next main project (I'm hoping I'm done with the 4 quilts I've been working so hard on.) 

Do you use and AccuQuilt cutter?  While I was starting to make the Happy Blocks for my 3 similar quilts, I read Mary Johnson's directions for the block.  

The strips for the frames are cut the larger size and then cut into 2.5" pieces.  It was a lightbulb moment for me when I realized I could use my 2.5" strip die to cut the pieces. 

First I cut the strips 9" wide. (Heck, I only had to cut 2.) Because it was a 24" ruler I used both of my 5 pound weights to hold the fabric as I cut 9" stripes. 

Then I carefully aligned the strip on the 2.5" die.  

And in just a few moments I had this collection of 9 x 2.5" pieces for my Happy Blocks. I was able to get 16 pieces from each strip. It was amazingly fast to cut 2 strips at 9" and then roll them through the cutter. 

The small pieces at the front was the only waste from the strips. Fast and frugal at the same time.  I also use this die to cut my bindings.  

I hope you can use this idea if you have an AccuQuilt cutter. I never thought to do this before but it's now in my bag of tricks and will save a lot of time. 

This post will be linked with To Do Tuesday and Midweek Makers. (I'll come back tomorrow to link up with these two blogs.)  Go check them out to see what people are working on.  I get way too many ideas from looking at blogs but there are so many wonderful ideas. I hope you do too!

Happy Quilting.  Bonnie 



  1. I just love your landscape quilt, Bonnie! The water looks great!

  2. I love your quilt with the hillside landscape! So pretty and reminds me of Italy! Have a wonderful week!

  3. the landscape is beautiful! and what a great tip for the accucut!!!!

  4. Use my strip dies for the accuquilt that way whenever possible. Works great and saves so much time!

  5. Hi Bonnie! I'm so glad you're getting those pesky 4 quilts out of the way (!!) so you can devote yourself to this landscape piece. I just love seeing it so close to being complete. The steps, windows, and roofs add just another layer of interest. I want to stop and visit this place - it's nice and friendly looking. Thanks for linking up this week! Good luck with your list. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Your little village by the sea looks fabulous! I'm intrigued by the strip die that came with my AccuQuilt GO! cutter, but I haven't taken it out of the package and was planning to sell it one of these days "when I get around to it." I worry that if I didn't have my fabric lined up perfectly, I'd waste the whole piece with crooked zigzag cuts. Does that ever happen for you with the strip cutter? Is it really that much faster? I love the GO cutter for curved shapes like clam shells, circles or apple cores, but I just don't understand how to use the strip cutter or why it would be faster than to just rotary cut my strips the way I've always done. What am I missing?

  7. The landscape quilt is fabulous - such pretty and colorful fabrics. I bet it was fun auditioning and selecting fabrics.

  8. Fantastic looking landscape quilt - reminds me of Greece.


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