
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

To Do Tuesday!

I kept my nose to the grindstone to finish all my goals. I'm tired but they are all done!  Yes, every single one!  Want to see?


Make 1 more quilt✔️ I made, quilted and bound the last of the Happy Quilts. 

Finish quilting 3 quilts✔️
Bind 4 quilts✔️

Add pieces (steps, windows and roofs) to the landscape quilt.  Added some steps, a tree, and a roof.  Needs more.  

Pick next main project ✔️I'll be working on a new quilt

I did 3 bindings in a row -- all 3 of the happy block quilts.  I used the leftover backing for the binding.  It was a surprising stiff fabric even after initial washing.  I shouldn't be surprised that might needle bent.  I had some pretty thick sections to go over while I was binding. 

As I was stitching down the second side of the binding on the third quilt, I started to worry I would run out of thread.  I have no more and the Mettler Silk Finish I like isn't available locally.  Never fear, I didn't run out. 

It looks like it was a close thing but in reality it wasn't.  I had a half-full bobbin I could have used some from it if I ran out. Oh, BTW -- it was a brand new spool when I started the first of the 3 happy block quilts. 

So what's up for this week?  I'm planning on a little down time.  Read a book, maybe make a batch of cookies.  There are a few things I'd like to make progress on though. 


Finish labeling quilts and mail

Add some more details to landscape quilt

Quilt customer’s quilt

Read a book

Start looking for fabrics for a baby quilt 

You might have noticed I don't plan on going wild sewing this coming week.  I'm going to take it easier.  I also need to do some cleaning in the studio.  I might even finish a book or two.  

I'm linking up with To Do Tuesday, and MidWeek Makers

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie  


  1. It sounds like you deserve some downtime, Bonnie! That's a lot of finishing in a week! Definitely, read a book, bake some cookies, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you add to your landscape quilt!

  2. Hi Bonnie! With all the checkmarks from last week you certainly deserve to read a book or two. I love to read! What a fun a colorful quilt finish you've shared. I wonder where these finished quilts are going? Good luck with next week's list especially if you get to baking those cookies! Thank you for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Hooray for a completed list! Enjoy the cookies!

  4. Bravo! You were definitely focused on your goals. Seeing the bent needle reminds me that I need to change the needle in my machine.

  5. So cute! I usually lose the thread chicken! LOL

  6. Bravo on your completions! I get the biggest satisfaction out of emptying spools! LOL

  7. Wowsers - you are a human dynamo! Great progress! I am envious of your energy.

  8. Love the Happy Quilt in turquoise! But yikes, that needle! Better bent than broken, I suppose :)

  9. Congrats on finishing off the last of the Happy Quilts. Hope you've already made good progress on your to do list for this week.


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