
Friday, July 2, 2021

Rebuilt Log Cabin -- Finished!

Yes!  What a great feeling to finish this Rebuilt Log Cabin.  It's been a long time in the making. From what I can tell, I started it in December of 2011.  Yep, it is an old UFO.  You can see it progress in posts from 12/5/2011, 12/14/2011, 2/23/2015, 1/4/2019, 1/31/2019,  9/6/2020, 9/9/2020, 9/22/2020, 9/29/2020, and 9/30/2020.  OH Good Grief!  I think I went a little crazy. Many thanks goes to Elaine Adair who blogs at Elaine Adair Pieces, for posting a tutorial on the Rebuilt Log Cabin.  Now on to the finished quilt!  And another thanks goes to Nancy who blogs at Wyoming Breezes who noticed and told me about 1 block that was turned wrong.  Jack and I ripped it out and replaced it correctly! 

It was a beautiful sunny day when Pat helped me take pictures of this quilt.  Rain was coming but not until the next day. 

Well, rats this doesn't show the back all that well.  Except I did piece the back together using a 3 yard piece and then splitting a Kona black 3 yard piece in half  to put on both sides. 

The photo op was finished and Pat was tired of holding it up!  I can't say I blame him -- it's a twin size quilt.  I was worried because he had to stand on a little ladder to make sure the quilt was totally visible. Thank goodness he didn't fall off.  Nice to see the butterfly bush and some day lilies in the picture.

Next up, (a couple of days later,) I took some pictures of the quilt on the twin bed it is going to be living on. My doll Kirsten just had to be in the picture. 

And how about a close up of the backing. You can really see the quilting well in the black part of the picture. And, if you ever wonder about "hiding" your quilting -- use a really busy backing fabric. 


Quilt Pattern is Rebuild Log Cabin by Elaine Adair

Quilting Pattern is Fern Gully by Hermoine Agee 

Thread White So Fine (sorry, don't remember the specific number.) 

And a few odd ball things.  I purchased the "ladies" print from my friend Nancy.  She was having a sale to rehome fabrics, notions, patterns before her impending move. Pat and I drove up to Maryland to see what she had.  I thought the fabric was cute but it didn't dawn on me to use it for this log cabin until several weeks after we got it home. Many years ago I bought a nice black and white stripe I had planned to use for the binding.  Nope, didn't do it.  The red binding worked much better.  

Some time in the next week I'll finish doing my stashbusting statistics for June.  This quilt busted some serious stash! 

Here's my Friday linky parties.  Midweek Makers, Needle and Thread Thursdays, Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop?, Finished or Not Fridays, and Beauties PageantEnjoy surfing -- quilters are creating all over the Internet.

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie  


  1. Congratulations on your quilt finish, Bonnie! It turned out beautifully. I agree that the red binding was totally the way to go for this one!

  2. It turned out gorgeous. That is a very unique setting, twisted log cabin in my mind! Congrats on finishing a UFO. I have my very own AG doll too:)

  3. yeaaaaaa! And the backing of women is so outrageously fun as well. Gotta set the story of that quilt design idea. I saw a glimpse of it from Marilyn Badger on Fons and Porter who only talked about quilting - the block was not mentioned. I wrote to her for details on that unmentioned block and she couldn't remember where SHE got it from, but she sent me a drawing of how she made it! I ran with the idea and drew up my own version, made a log cabin block, and chopped it up, then went crazy with excitement. Yours is beautiful, graphic. So glad you got it finished. Just goes to show how anyone can take an "ordinary" block and rebuild it in new ways.

  4. The finished quilt is a beauty! I like the red binding and the fun back, too.

  5. So adorable, Bonnie!!! Congrats!!! It must feel so good, after being in process for so long. And it looks as fresh as can be! It looks so cute on your bed, along with Kirsten! We have a Kirsten here in our home, too, so I recognize her. Love the Fern Gully! Great texture!!!

  6. That is really really cool!!! I like the rebuilt look! your colors are marvelous!

  7. Congrats on a beautiful finish! The backing is fun too.


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