
Sunday, October 9, 2022

Monday Meanderings 10 - 10 - 2022

 Retreat is over.   Boo Hoo!  But we had a great time.  It was good to see old friends and meet new friends.  

A group of us decided to visit Fork Mnt Quilting in Rocky Mount, Va on Wednesday afternoon.  Great store.  Friendly owners who went out of their way to help several of our group who wanted kits that they were out of.  While we continued shopping they made up the kits.  If you are near the south east part of Virginia it's worth a trip. Surprisingly, I bought one fat quarter on sale. (I know ridiculous. I should have made a list before I came as when we got back I remembered several things I should have gotten!) 

And if you are close to the store take some time to zip over to Homestead Dairy for the very best ice cream I've ever had.  

I chose cookie dough ice cream.  This double scoop was a small cone.  It was so fresh and tasty.  If I hadn't ordered first I might have realized that I could have chosen two flavors.  Oh well, next year I'll do that. 

Here are some of us just enjoying the beautiful weather chatting about quilting (or ice cream.) 

I wandered off to get a few more pictures. 

Merci was checking out the cool gourds.  The one she's holding was star shaped. 

Here's the name so you can get some wonderful ice cream if you're in the area. 

Now that I've got a little bit about the retreat shared, it's time to look at my goals. 


Get ✅Happy Blocks & 👎🏻string blocks to top stage

✅Make baby quilt top

✅Make all 79 triangles for Tumbling Triangles — More than half done

✅Get whatever projects left moved forward — several did get moved forward 

✅✅✅Enjoy retreat! — Boy did I ever! 

This is the Happy Quilt I laid out last week and was able to sew together at retreat. 

Here's what's may be happening this week.


Quilt and bind a quilt

Continue making triangles for tumbling triangles

Remove papers from string blocks

Work on grands’ Christmas ornaments

Paint wooden pumpkins  

We'll see whether I get many of these goals accomplished this week. 

Here are my normal Linky parties for you to surf.  I'll be doing that this week too. (Hopefully I'll remember to come back and link up the rest of the blogs.) 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday 

That's it except for one small issue after retreat.  That nasty virus Covid has hit some of the retreaters.  So far 5 out of 24 of us have gotten it. Well make that 6 out of 24. Yep, I tested positive Monday morning. As of this morning I was negative but considering my roommate got it I'm pretty sure I will too. Plus I'm feeling like I have a cold. Bummer.  It's fine as long as I can continue to sew and read this week.  I'll keep you posted. I have moved myself to the spare bedroom and am staying in my studio mostly.  In other words, Pat and I have reversed roles.  He was at a Barbershop competition over the weekend and several of their members have also come down with Covid. Bummer. But he stayed masked all the time.  None of us at the retreat did though. Sigh. 

Happy quilting all! Bonnie 


  1. a happy quilt indeed! and nothing wrong with good ice cream...glad you had a fun retreat....sigh..covid is with us forever i believe...i had a ferocious cold but didn't test...finally stop flu shot!

  2. Yes, that "cold" is probably Covid. Hope your symptoms are mild. Good thing you don't have to be out and about this week. (Has your chorus started up again?)

  3. Glad you had a successful retreat and enjoyed some sweet ice cream. Sorry Covid followed so many home from retreat. I hope that you feel better soon, keep us updated.

  4. I tested positive last week. It felt like allergies and then a bad cold, but I’m feeling much better today.I’ll retest tomorrow or Wednesday to see if it’s moved on. I’m sooo thankful that the vaccinations I had made it much easier to deal with COVID. Take care and get some rest.

  5. Glad you had a fun retreat but so sad about the Covid. Hope you feel better fast!

  6. I'm sorry to hear you had so much fun at your retreat and then got sick afterward. Darn Covid! Your happy blocks definitely make a happy quilt! Feel better soon.

  7. Retreat sounds like so much fun!!! and the Happy Blocks is so fun!
    Lets hope its mild and your over it soon!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. So sorry you've caught Covid. Hopefully it's been a mild case and you are well on your way to being back to normal.


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