
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Monday Meanderings a Day Late

Hello Tuesday!  Sunday I blogged about making charity quilts for Sarah's Hands 2 Help 2023.  Take a look at my finished pinwheel top I shared. I decided to wait until Tuesday before I posted my normal Monday Blog.  So let's look at my goals from last week. 


✅Quilt cupcake top — started. 

✅Sew “squirrel” top together part of the UFO Challenge — top done!

✅Finish purple RSC blocks  — all 3 are done.

Pick a new project to cut out or look at an old project —  hum, I did a dive into my orphan block box and found quite a few bowtie blocks so I’ll be making some more so I can make another bowtie quilt.

Not a bad week.  Although I didn't realize I was starting an old project until I cut several bowtie blocks today.  Yep, I can check mark the last goal from last week.  

Left side blocks are more 12" blocks for the guild. The three right hand blocks are  Drunkard's Path blocks I'm using for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks. 

The list this week may be less successful since we're visiting our daughter's family for a soccer game and a county choral concert which will take up most of a day.  But this is what I hope to work on the days we are at home. 


Finish quilting and binding cupcake quilt

Make a few more 12” blocks

Make some bow tie blocks

Pick Happy Blocks to make another top

That should keep me busy during the days.  I have several ebooks that I've reserved at my library that keep showing up.  I'll be trying to keep up with them this week too. 

I'll be linking up with the following parties:

To Do Tuesday 

Midweek Makers 

Wednesday Wait Loss

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. It always seems like the ebooks from the hold list all show up at the same time, doesn't it?! At least you'll have plenty to read! I love the look of your Drunkards Path blocks and they are pretty in purple. Have a great week!

  2. Congrats on all the check marks for last week's list. Good luck with this week's list.

  3. I’m sure you’ll achieve all of your goals this week.

  4. Yay on the checks from last week! I like all your blocks. Enjoy your week!

  5. Love your RSC blocks! So pretty in purple. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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