Now, honestly, it isn't that I didn't do some piecing and quilting last week. I got the rest of border two on my Scrap Squad #2. I also cut border #3. I'm hoping to get it on today or early tomorrow. Then I'll be on a quest to find backing fabric.
It has slowly dawned on me that it is really expensive to make a backing for a quilt from 42 to 45" wide fabric. I figure I will need 2 1/2 yards of wide backing fabric @ $20/yard. Hum, $50. But I need 7 1/2 yards if I piece my backing -- so $10/yard. $75. That's assuming I can find fabric at $10 a yard. I know $20 is high for the wide backs but it's a nice round number and easy to figure. So, before I piece this twin size backing I'm going to either call or go over to the two closest quilt stores to see whether they have any wide backs. And, I'll look at JoAnns again as I know they do have some. If I can't find anything I'll check to see if I can piece a back from various fabrics used in the quilt. But, honestly, I don't have all that much left. I might need to order this on line but I really would like to support my local stores first.
These are two blocks that I'll be sending out shortly to various locations. I have several more hearts to make before I can drop them off at the post office. I also have joined a 6" charm swap on Small Quilt Talk yahoo chat group. It's for light colored reproduction fabrics. I bought mine a while ago but just didn't get to the cutting part. Hopefully I'll get it in the mail today.
Week of April 23, 2012
Finish FCQ Charity Quilt on Ruthie√
Finish borders on Scrap Squad 2 and
measure quilt top. well only the last border to go not as far along as I wanted to be
Make heart blocks, siggie block√ and
Dinner with Jen, Brian and Sophia√
Work the FCQ Quilt Show Thur – Sat.
SHOP at vendors! √
Drive up and back safely! √
Wow! I got most of what I wanted to do done. Of course, they were things I definitely was going to do. Here's what's up this week.
Week of April 29, 2012
Get the last border on the SS#2
Make 4 heart blocks
Cut charm squares for swap
Get blocks and charm squares in the
Find and prep backing for SS#2
Pull out and work on FCQEquilters
quilt… it’s time to get it finished
Figure out if my net book can be
resurrected… it’s lost its memory!
Quilt another charity quilt
Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms…
Ladies and Gents -- go back up your hard drives NOW! My little net book is used primarily for listening to audio books while I'm in my studio. However, it is also the computer that Electric Quilt is loaded on. Honestly, I'm not as good at it as I should be but all the designs for my 1800's block of the month are (were?) on that computer and no, I did not back that up. Do you hear that crying and wailing? That's me thinking about having to reproduce all those designs. I'm hoping I can get this thing back up and running and that maybe the designs will still be there. (Am I a dreamer or what?) I regularly back up my Mac. Ok, enough wailing. Time to get going.