Sniff, sniff. No, the spa day isn't for me. It is for my trusted Bernina sewing machine. Yesterday afternoon I dropped her off for a clean and tune up. It could be over 10 days but hopefully it will be a lot less. So while she is relaxing, I'll be using a different machine. Hum, decisions, decisions. Should I use my Janome Gem? Or my Heavy Weight Singer? Or perhaps the Baby Lock? And, there is always Ruthie, the Nolting Long Arm.
What? You're jealous? Don't you have redundant backups? (That's a technical term for several back ups. It is often used with sensitive computer information.) Of course after I turned her over I realized I needed a machine with a walking foot for tomorrow's class on making a Christmas tree skirt. I had just bought 6 1/2 yards of fabric to make the tree skirt. ARGH. My Gem doesn't have a walking foot cause I thought I would never use one on her. The Heavy Weight doesn't get used much at all and I have no special feet for him. And, then there is the Baby Lock. I think I have a walking foot for her because I bought her because she was longer so I should have a walking foot for her. Right. So a quick trip upstairs tells me I have no idea where I put the tin of feet I have for her. Shoot, I could have sworn I had seen that round, Christmas decorated tin. So, where is it now??? (stamping my foot for emphasis.) Well, I still have 22 hours or so to either find it or beg a walking foot from someone. Usually if I quit looking I find it with out trying. I'm hoping that will work for this too. And, I'll check my trusty lists of what was packed in what box and see if anything might help.

I've finished this little girl quilt and will be donating it to the local guild. They give quilts to a hospital to use in the NICU. As I understand it the quilts are placed over the isolets and then go home with the baby. I inked the faces on the cat and the girl. It is a very old UFO -- maybe 10 years or more. I had to buy the brown and the outer green border to finish her up. It's so nice to cross things off that UFO list!
I quilted this one on Ruthie and used a stencil and my pounce to mark the outside border. It looks pretty good but some of my curls are a bit flat. But overall I was pretty happy with both the stencil and my quilting.
Today I'm going to be working on the back to the table runner from
this post. I've decided to do 6" finished blocks with Halloween fabric. And, then a bit of a border to bring it to the same size. Then I will probably quilt it on one of my domestic machines so I don't have to have the extra fabric I would need if I put it on Ruthie. We'll see cause see above, I will need a walking foot for that too.
That's it for today. I'll save my focaccia bread picture til later! Yep, I've been cooking.
Happy Quilting All!