Here we are starting September. You know what is coming -- the mad dash to the end of the year. So, we all need to up our game and get sewing, or knitting or crafting -- what ever makes you happy.
This week I actually finished part of a quilt top. But I didn't realize until the section was done that I hadn't really planned to work on it this week. Not even on my goal list but I've got the 9 patch border on my garden top. I added the light yellow to the center section and I really think it works better than having the busy garden fabric up against the busy 9 patches. Next up is 1 more border. I've got more of the garden print to use for the backing so this one is getting close to being done.

I've started cutting a new baby quilt. The plan is to get it all cut out and then make it while at the Country Piecemaker's retreat in October. I bought some pieces of pirate fabric a while ago -- within the last 5 years or so. And by pieces I mean 6 maybe 8 pieces of a line but the pieces were small -- 11 x 14" and smaller. After looking around some free pattern websites I decided to make Twisted 9 Patch that Mary has shared directions for on her web site, This link goes directly to this pattern where she gives the link to a PDF of the pattern. Mary has the most generous heart and has a lot of wonderful quilt patterns available to use. Take some time looking through all of her patterns. You need to have a basic idea of how to quilt but she has sizes to cut but not how much fabric to buy, if I remember correctly. I've made several quilts using her patterns.

This pattern uses a 6.5" unfinished 9 patch with the twist. I chose to use this because I wanted to use a 6.5" Go die to cut the pirate fabric. Here's my first pair of sample blocks. I wanted to make sure it worked before I cut all my fabric. After you sew the blocks you need to trim them to 9.5". As you might have guessed, these are not trimmed. Good thing because I decided having two colors surround the block was a bit too fussy. I'll be taking these two apart and making one red and the other yellow.

My biggest complaint is I had already cut into the pirate fabric so I can't come up with 16 blocks. I've pulled two fabrics that might go with the quilt but I'm not sure yet. I've cut out pieces for 12 blocks....maybe I need to find a border. This is one pattern you have to really think through if you choose to "slant" your blocks both directions as these are. In fact, duh, I'm going to have to cut more of the yellow rectangles so I have all 4 pieces going the same direction. Good thing I didn't cut the rectangles on the diagonal when I was doing my cutting earlier. (Read Mary's directions for more info about the slanting, but basically I need to cut 2 rectangles going from top left to bottom right and 2 rectangles going from bottom left to top right to surround two blocks leaning the opposite ways as the ones above do. Are you confused? Read the free directions...) I sure hope this isn't too confusing to do at retreat! Maybe I'll plan to work on this one first.
So, you may be wondering how I did on my goals this week when I actually worked on a project that wasn't on the list. I did pretty well. Especially since I decided to check the list before the end of the week!
August 27, 2018
Finish Bargello top✔️
Make more Christmas lotto blocks for Oct. retreat✔️(all done!)
Work on Jamestown Landing borders✔️
Attend Country Piecemakers Quilt In✔️
Cut more blocks for pirate quilt✔️
Make 3 pillowcases✔️2 done, 1 more started cutting
Must report my pain on the Jamestown Landing string border blocks. ARGH! I thought all I had to do was trim and sew them together. Nope -- I needed about 10 more blocks made. So, I've done at least 5 more and I found some more turquoise fabric so I don't have to go buy more. I've got one border piece sewn together. Notice below I hope to continue working on it and perhaps get it done!
September 3, 2018
Review all UFOs and update spreadsheet
Finish Jamestown Landing borders and apply
Prep for class in mid Sept
Figure out how to enlarge purse pattern & get started on it
Finish cutting pieces for Pirate Quilt
Finish knitting on my sock… it’s the second one and I'm halfway done!
I'm linking with my regular Monday parties.... Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward. If the link isn't live yet I'll check back later to see if they have been posted and add the link here. (Yes, I've been writing my blog the night before. Leaves me time to play in the studio on Monday Mornings!)
Let's also take a minute to think about all the veterans and current members of the military who protect our country. Both of my grandfathers served in World War I, my dad was career Navy and served in World War II, Korean War and Viet Nam. My brother Larry was drafted during Viet Nam. Thanks to all of our men and women who have served.
Happy Quilting! Bonnie