Yep, it's Monday again. And it is almost Thanksgiving. Where did the year go?
I worked late last night so I could mark things off of the goals list and have something to show this morning. Whatever gets me moving!
First up is the center of a quilt to be donated to Komen. I need to get going on this one as it will be hand quilted by Pam. The Faithful Circle Equilters are doing this one.
My thoughts are to make 8 or 9" blocks to go around this center. I've got to figure out how to trim the excess side corners off. And then make the extra blocks. I may need a coping border. It would be far easier to make 12" blocks so I may try to get it to a number divisible by 12. Stay tuned. You'll be seeing more of this one.

Do you remember the old Alfred Hitchcock show? You only saw his profile in shadow? Well, there is my shadow taking the picture. My studio faces east so I get the morning sun. Hum, that might be why I don't get upstairs in the mornings especially in the summer! I closed the blinds for the picture of the Komen quilt. I'm sure I showed you these other blocks last week but I've done a few more and put them the way they should be set. Hum, I wonder what would happen if I switched them around? As I was moving them this morning I realized these would be perfect blocks to use up small bits and pieces. The strips are cut 3" by 23", one light and one dark. Sew them together right sides together. Then they are subcut into 5 1/2" pieces and sewn into this arrangement. Super easy. I'm going to mail these 4 to Faithful Circle for the drawing but I think I'll make more to make a charity quilt. I do like easy!
Did you notice a new button on my side bar? I'm going to participate in a quilty swap. You make 3 quilties that are 4" x 6". Send them to Sandie and she swaps them out and you get 3 back. The deadline is Dec. 15th for mailing so you have time to join in if you want. Check out the last swap here. Here are directions for the quilty swap. Or, if you click on my button you go to her blog page. Then look at the right hand side for the quilty button that is framed -- if you click that you go to all the posts about quilties... maybe 6 or 7 posts. Sandie has made some really cute quilties. I really like the ones she made of her kids as babies. Neat.
And mystery fans . . . Fabricholics Anonymous is having their annual New Year's Eve mystery. It is a one day mystery available for members. Hum, actually I think several yahoo chat groups get this mystery. It is fun and if you make the smaller size you'll have a top done by the end of the day if you can keep at it. (Sorry Marge, I just have to crow about this one. Are we closing membership on 12/1?) I need to decide if I want to make this one or not and get going with fabric selection.
I am thrilled with all the progress I made this week. I got almost everything done on my list. YEAH!
Goals for Week of 11/14/11
Package up and send Quilts for Kids√
Send fabrics to friend √
Trim and bind red, white and blue twin √
Finish beige and turquoise top
Continue working on Clue 3 of Carolina Christmas √
Finish counted cross stitch ghost ornament√
Add two sections to the pink floral quilt. √ Add triangles to square it up √
Host neighborhood tea√
Clean living rm, dining rm, kitchen √
Goals for Week of 11/21/11
Make a snap purse
Finish blocks for beige and turquoise, sew into top
Add another round to pink floral quilt
Sew rows together of 16 patch quilt
Finish clue 3 and start clue 4 of Carolina Christmas
Pick a UFO to work on
Have a great Thanksgiving
I'm trying to be realistic on the goals this week. I know I won't get much of anything done on Thursday. We are spending the day with neighbors. Our kids are spending turkey day with their other families.
Do you like to see what people are working on all over the Internet? Go to Patchwork Times to take a tour. Happy Quilting All!