Yes, I finished my One Monthly Goal last week. I was enjoying my time with Sharon so I didn't get my finish posted to the blog right away. The quilting went very smoothly and I finished it in a day or two. I used Ginger Star as the edge to edge design with So Fine thread in white on the top and in the bobbin. I've been calling it Gems so that will be its name henceforth.
This quilt was a variation of Go! Diamonds Jubilee quilt pattern from Accuquilt. I made it larger and used only red, white and blue fabrics. I had planned to give it to TAPS for the May event they sponsor in Washington, DC. I am now rethinking that as Country Piecemakers are making quilts for veterans in transition housing. They are looking for twin size quilts while TAPS is looking for smaller quilts. I have two smaller quilts in the works so this one may be diverted. You can read more about the program here: TAPS. I donate my quilts through Faithful Circle Quilters and Project Linus.
I've been thinking about what my next OMG project should be but I haven't made any decisions yet.
Here's a couple more photos of Gems in progress. First, my print out of the EQ drawing I did. I had a hard time figuring out how many of each piece I needed. As I got closer to the end of piecing I was cutting more of several units. And then, I ended up with too many. Sigh.
I had a great time up with Sharon. We spent a lot of time sewing so I will have some tops to show you soon. But now, it's time to see how the goals went this week. Not too bad. I'm down to just one sleeve to knit on the sweater and then it is on to putting it together and knitting the front band.
January 22, 2017
Quilt RWB Gems Quilt√
Bind black and bright colored quilt√
Prep for the bargello class and attend it√
Finish bargello top except borders oops, I’m expanding mine so didn't work on it
Gather all red, white and blue orphan blocks √
Knit on sweater√
January 30, 2017
Knit on sweater
Put more crafting/quilting items away in the closet
Finish the R,W,B Orphan Block quilt top
Finish the pinwheel quilt top
Finish Stacy's small 9 patch quilt
This isn't a very long list as I'm trying to decide what to focus on next.
That's it for today. I'm connecting with Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal link up. I'm looking forward to cruising the Internet for some great ideas.
Happy Quilting All! Bonnie