Pat took to the tractor to mow the lawn this week. Well, at least the back yard. It's very dry here and so the grass isn't growing all that fast in the back. There is almost no shade out there although there are some 10' trees in the back.

I have spent many hours in the studio. Instead of boxes all over now there is "stuff" all over. Ugh.
I also took some time to sew a bit. It's rather hard with that stuff all over but I needed to. I am working on a mystery quilt from late 2008. Marge called it Scrappy Bricks but I call it the Million Pieces Quilt. It seems to me there are a million pieces in the quilt. I recently decided to make it bigger so it could be put in one of the guest rooms. (Am I out of my mind?) It will have some brick red and navy blue as borders so it will look good in that room.
Sunday I headed over to the public library to meet the members of the local guild for a sit and stitch. I worked on my A Tisket, A Tasket blocks. Well one block. I got a basket, the handle, a squirrel tail and part of the squirrel sewn down. Then I noticed I hadn't pulled out the paper from the squirrel's tail. I wrestled that thing out and in the process pulled a thread. Now it's a brown tail with two white lines on it. NO, No, no. The tail will be coming off and a new tail will replace it.
Pat started his new job on Monday. I worked in the studio. Tuesday I did little (including grocery shopping...) but I mostly read an old novel. I tend to keep my paperbacks and reread them. This book is from 2003 and there are 5 or 6 in a series (and I own them all) so I will enjoy rereading them.
Today's jobs: laundry, repack the a big box into several movable little boxes, iron the curtains I washed yesterday and rehang them, play in the studio... maybe. Does anyone still use silver "stuff"? I have at least two silver tea services, several vegetable bowls, revere bowls, platters, water pitcher, etc, etc. I almost NEVER use them. I've given some away to thrift stores. I sold some at one point. I'm pretty sure my daughter doesn't want them. What do you do with it? And, china. I have nearly 4 place settings of a bone china. Not enough to use. I'm thinking of selling it to a replacement china company. Has anyone ever done that?
I think I am now blogging as a procrastination tool. On to the boxes. Take care all.