I never got a full view picture of the quilt. It was bright and cheerful. Most of the quilting was amazing. I had some issues at the end trying to keep the sashing pattern actually on the sashing. Could have been me or the piecing, I just don't know enough about this quilting with computerized system to say. Here are some of the photos I did take.
Ruthie is a petite girl at just 18" so I had to turn the quilt to do the last row and the bottom sashing and borders. I guess I need to really think about what size quilts I put on her. Luckily it is very fast to load a quilt using the red snappers. I'm hoping that Jenny got a picture of the whole quilt when she gave it to Tonya.

Here are my goals from last week. I'm surprised I got as many of them done as I did. I seem to be way behind this year. Ellie got her ornament but I've got Sophie's a third of the way done and Natalie's isn't even started. Note to self: start 2015 ornaments much earlier.
Week of
December 22, 2014
Wrap presents√
Hair cut√
Finish Ornament for one and continue on the others√
Embroider other stuff (hum, I wonder what I was thinking
on this one…??)
Slap a quilt on Ruthie and let her do her thing√
Finish snowball blocks for FCQEquilter
Make aprons for the grands (so didn’t happen…)
Make 2 different types of cookies (2 batches of one style
got done…) √
I'm not posting goals this week. I am going to re-evaluate how I do goals for 2015. I may continue as is but I'm thinking of making them more long term and only posting once a month. Any ideas on that?
Have a safe New Years. I'll be back probably on New Year's day to post my stash busting statistics. I'm not terribly excited about actually having busted more fabric than acquired. I'll admit all on my next post.
As always I'm connecting with Patchwork Times.