Needless to say I didn't spend as much time on my quilting this week. And, when I was sewing I wasn't necessarily working on my goals. Hum, but Sunday afternoon and well into the night I did get my pinwheel top quilted after I made the backing. (Thanks to Pat who suggested I quilt it horizontally, especially since the backing I had pieced worked that way!) Here's what I got done last night ... all the way to 11:00 pm. What can I say, I'm a third generation night owl.
The blue painters tape mark where I need to move the sewing head to after I've rolled the quilt forward. I did this design at about 6" and I was able to run it twice before rolling forward some times. Except, once or twice I didn't pay attention and I moved the head to the wrong place. Which, darn it, caused this overlap. See it, above the left tape in the picture below? It was like that all across the row. And, I didn't notice it until Ruthie was done with the whole row. It left me with a dilemma. Do I pull out the stitches or leave it. I decided to leave it. It didn't bother me all that much.

I also did two seams on the giant tote bag that I started with my Powhatan gang a week or so ago. There were four of us sewing that day -- all of them have finished theirs. I'm still plugging away on my OMG and other quilts. But I would really like to have this done this month.... so it'll be on my goal list again. I must say I would make several changes to the directions if I were to make this again. But honestly, who needs two giant totes? It should be big enough to carry a queen size quilt in it.
On to goals. Not the best week but definitely not terrible.
February 13, 2017
Trim 16 patch blocks & add the horizontal sashing √ started still need to trim some & get horizontal sashing done
Knit on sweater – finish that last sleeve and start to put
together √ but haven’t finished the sleeve yet
Work on tote bag√
Quilt pinwheel quilt√
Put more crafting/quilting items away in the closet√*
And this week's goals....
February 20, 2017
Trim 16 patch blocks & add the horizontal sashing
Make border for 16 patch
Bind pinwheel and orphan block quilt
Knit on sweater
Start on repairing crocheted afghan
Put more crafting/quilting
items away in closet*
* Full disclosure here -- over the last few weeks I've put a couple of things away, sometimes emptying a box but don't think I'm really working all that hard on this one. One of these days I will focus on it but not during February. I want some finishes!
I'm linking up with my favorite Monday links: Monday Making and Main Crush Monday. Take some time to see what folks are doing this week.
Happy Quilting All! Bonnie
Thanks for the photo of the tote bag pattern. I bought one from that company when we were in Maine a year and a half ago. I wonder where I put it??? And, yes, one giant tote is handy to have, but one is sufficient. Nice to see long-time friends again, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteThe pinwheel quilt looks great, and I'd have to look close (too close) to see any overlap, so I'll take your word for it. ;o)
ReplyDeleteYes, one giant tote bag is sufficient. I feel the same about some of the things I've made - one is enough.
I love that pinwheel top! I've got my new sewing room (studio) set up and a couple of spring pillowtops to finish for the great room before I starting a new quilt and I'm really thing about a pinwheel. Hope mine is as pretty as yours.
ReplyDeleteSweet pinwheels, I wouldn't take out the overlap, either!
ReplyDeletedo you live near Williamsburg? I don't think I ever caught that - my sister lives there! it is a wonderful place I think and have been there quite a few times over the years.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! I absolutely love pinwheels! Pretty blocks! I'm visiting you from Cookin' Up Quilts! Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThe quilting looks great, I had a hard time seeing the overlap. Hope you got in lots of stitching last week.