Sunday, October 27, 2024

Monday Meanderings 10 - 28 - 2024

Did this week go by fast for you?  I think it zoomed by way too fast for me. I didn't do well on getting my goals done. But that's ok . . .  there's always another week! Here's what I did get done.


Finish Frolicking Frogs top started at retreat — need the borders still, may have to buy more of what I was planning on using. 

✅Wash new fabrics — three new fabs were washed.  One was even used on the 3 yard quilt below!

Put two borders on 3 yd quilt started at retreat — half of one border done. 

✅Bake some items for the annual craft show — finished, delivered and sold! 

Clean up some of the stuff on the cutting table — a few items cut but not very many 

I didn't even remember to take photographs of any goal items.  

And here is what I hope to get done this week. We'll see how much I actually get done. 


Quilt a baby quilt on Ruthie

Finish Quilting lonestar on domestic machine

Finish a Christmas ornament 

Put borders on 3 yard quilt

Finish Frolicking Frogs top started at retreat

Oh did you notice I'm quilting on my domestic machine? I finished a lone star top in 2022.  It sat for a while until I got a backing for it.  And it sat some more until I decided it was time to quilt it.  I didn't want to put it on Ruthie the long arm and do an overall pattern.  So yesterday I pinned it so I could start quilting it on the Bernina.  I consulted with my friend Sharon who does almost all her quilting on her Bernina.  She sent me several good ideas.  The only thing I knew was I was going to stitch in the ditch on all the sections of the lone star.  Here is what it looked like after pin basting. 

Today, I stitched all the sections of the lone star.  I figured out how to do each quarter at one time. Then I did some echo quilting in the triangle sections.  I started one of the squares.  But it was dinner time so nothing else got done.  The plan is to do two rows of stitching on the little red border.  I'm going to try to do freehand stars in the flag border.  I'll need to do a lot of practice to make sure I can make decent freehand stars.  Hopefully this will get done this week, maybe even before the end of October. 

Here are some goodies from the retreat. The pinkish fabric and 30 degree ruler I purchased at a local quilt store.  The rotating cutting mat I won in a drawing along with a new rotary handle (not pictured.) The gold stripe fabric was on a give away table.  I'm running low on yellows and oranges so I snagged this yellow.  I'm not sure when I'll use it but I'm sure I will.  I didn't photograph a wide back I purchased. It's navy blue and I hope to use it as backing for several smaller tops. 

I've continued to successfully spend at least 15 minutes of stitching every day this past week.  

W/ending 10/27  — 301 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/Oct = 7/7
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 291/301 days
  • Success rate = 96.6%
Our community craft group decorated lids for Christmas cookie containers last week. A local gal is a Stamping Up demonstrator and did a wonderful job coming up with the lids. It's hard to tell but these are put on metal containers like you might get with a take out meal.  

Now I have to decide who will be getting cookies from me this year.  (The one on the left is mine.) 

I'm linking up with Life in Pieces' Stitching Stuff, Quilting is More Fun than Housework's Oh Scrap, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts' Design Wall Monday, and Songbird Designs' Monday Musing.  Hope you have some time to see what folks are working on these days. 

I hope every one has a great week.

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



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