Sunday, February 2, 2025

Monday Meanderings 2 - 3 - 2025

Welcome to February. It's still pretty cold but rumor has it  it will be nearly 65 on Thursday.  But the local weather report showed the worse case weather for later in the week and it included snow. OH GOOD GRIEF.  My weather report on my iPhone is all about rain but no snow. (Do I admit that it is frequently wrong?) 

I had a great week of getting things done.  Here's the list.


✔️✔️✔️✔️Make more potato chip blocks — Yep 4 more done although 1 is  for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

✅Bind black, green, and white quilt — finished

✅Make a placemat from orphan block — done. Looking for more orphan blocks. 

✅Make backing for flannel quilt — done

✅Spend 15 minutes/day cleaning up studio — actually did about 2 hours of cleaning and cutting up scraps rather than 15 mins every day. 

Start a knit headband — finished it. I like the idea but need to refine the knitting. 

I failed to take many pictures this week.  Here's the placemat I made. I had made the center block a few years ago when I was practicing with Studio 180's Lemoyne Star ruler. I couldn't find any of the green or magenta fabric but was able to use the royal blue. The backing and binding was left over from the T Shirt quilt I made my son a while ago. 

I have already found my next block to use. (Evidently I had piled some on the corner of my long arm which I unearthed while I was straightening up the pile!) I'll probably continue to use orphan blocks over the next several weeks. 

Here's the ear warmer headband. It called for bulky weight yarn or 2 strands of worsted weight. I used the worsted weight with one purple and one turquoise yarn. (I'm trying to use up odd ball yarn.) 

I've been wearing it walking the dog and I like the fit of it better than any of the hats I have.  I will see if I have any bulky weight yarn to see if it works better. I need to figure out whether my tension is off on the cast on or perhaps the cast off.  I'm happy it keeps my ears nice and toasty warm. We only have random patches of snow left thank goodness. Just know that 6 months from now I will be bitterly complaining about the heat! 

Here's what I hope to get done this week. 


Sew ‘22 Sherri McConnell mystery blocks together with sashing

Make more Potato Chip blocks

Quilt flannel baby quilt

Cut out and sew together a new quilt using only stash fabrics

Find a backing or two for some tops I have ready to quilt

15 Minutes to Stitch -- another good week.

W/ending 2/2/25. 33 days of 2025

  • 15 minute days/Jan = 5/5 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 2/2
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 33/33 days
  • Success rate = 100%
I'm linking up with the following parties:

One last question -- what fabric do you use when binding a flannel quilt?  Flannel or regular quilting cotton.  I hope to get the little, flannel baby top quilted and then bound -- but was wondering what most people prefer. Thanks! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I prefer the close weave of the regular quilting cotton for binding a flannel quilt. In the quilt itself, however, I mix them with impunity.

    I'm looking forward to consistent warmer weather so I can get my hair cut! I'm using its "winter length" to protect my ears when I go out (adding hat and/or earmuffs as the weather dictates). Your headband is quite cute, and what a great way to use up skein ends!


  2. on my extended outlook I think next week they had a possibility of snow one day also - say it isn't so!!

  3. More green check marks! Nice earwarmer. I don't make flannel quilts so have no advice for you.

  4. The ear warmer is a great way to use oddball yarn and scraps. I keep one in the car for unexpected time outside my vehicle.

  5. I have only done 2 flannel lap quilts but bound them with flannel. I like the colors in your headband, looks like what I am doing with the slippers.

  6. The ear warmer looks great! I do use flannel to bind a flannel quilt but it doesn't endure for years and years like quilt cotton.

  7. Your placemat is so pretty! Perfect way to use up an orphan block. We're bouncing back and forth between cold/snowy weather and spring-like temperatures. At least these 60s are melting all the snow from last weekend!

  8. Cute placemat!! and that ear warmer - Love that - I don't like full hats - so that would be perfect!!! The app on my phone - I have decided it is a *right now* forecaster.... it often gets everything wrong haha! Happy Stitchin!!!

  9. You had a very productive week, sewing and cleaning is a win/win. Your placement is really pretty, that blue really makes the star shine. Good luck with this week's to do list.

  10. I prefer flannel binding on a flannel quilt, fwiw. Neat placemat!

  11. Your placemat is so cute. I love the ear warmer...especially those colors! Great job. We've been in 70s and 80s all week but will be a little cooler in the 60s with LOTS of rain this coming week. Stay warm, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.