Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stash Enhancement

Lookie, Lookie!  I've been adding to my stash.  Well, with the help of my kids that is! Here's what I've been getting.
I'm thinking of making a paper pieced fancy star wall hanging with these. Yummy batiks. These were purchased with a gift certificate from Jenny.  Thanks bunches, Jen and Brian. Woops, I also bought a yard or so of red fabric as I seem to go through it fast! Some how it didn't get in the picture.
No clue about these. The top is a pale lavender batik and may end up with the ones above.  Maybe a charity quilt at some point. 

Kevin signed me up for a monthly fabric delivery.  Yummy greys came.   I'm not sure when these will be used but it is great to have them to choose from.  Thanks Kevin and Aimee. Jenny gave Aimee the same gift for her birthday, I think.  So Aimee was all for sending me this too.  
As you might guess my fabric usage is going to be nil this month.  Well, I'll make a little dent in the amount brought in but not all that much.  But, how can I complain when I love all the fabs I got!  And, I am finishing small things and if I'm lucky I'll have one charity quilt done before the end of the month. 

Pat and I tried to make pizza on the grill this week.  Hum, we need to refine the whole plan starting from the crust up.  We chose a veggie pizza without red sauce.   First you grill the pizza dough on one side. (After you figure out how to get it to the grill without falling apart -- key is parchment paper. )
 You make sure your toppings are close by.  Ooops.  I didn't have enough olive oil so had to go back for more.
 Here's the final product.  The bottom was cooked too much. (Remember going back for the olive oil?)  It was a good first try but it needs a lot of refinement.  We'll see if we want to try again or just do pizza in the oven! 

Happy Quilting All!  It's time for me to hit the studio and finish that charity quilt. 

1 comment:

  1. Those are yummy fabrics! Also the pizza looks yummy, too. We grill pizzas often and it can be tricky. I make individual sizes so that it can cook completely before the bottom burns. I also set up the sauce and cheese and have the people fill a small glass dish with the toppings of their choice (all precooked.) It makes for a fun party--but I do try the first one as a sample to make sure the temperature is just right.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.