Somehow the week went by and I didn't get another blog post up. I keep trying to but for some reason I don't succeed. I'll try again this week but don't hold your breath!
I have a huge design wall and a little design wall. Both are full up! I've taken photos of both but I didn't get a whole lot done on any of the stuff I have hanging up there.
The big wall has the Dresden baskets and the mystery quilt. Nothing changed on the mystery quilt as I had to buy additional fabric to finish it. The Dresden baskets got the inside sashing done. I need to sew the rows together and then the outside border which is actually going to be the orange just like the sashing. I've draped a piece of orange at the top to see how it will look.
I started a new row by row. This one is from a shop in Fredericksburg, Va, Crazy Cousins. It's a really nice shop and I can see taking field trips to it every once and a while.
The owls still need their eyes but I plan to use buttons so the eyes won't be there until after all the rows are together and quilted.
Now on to my goals. I guess I did well because I didn't have all that much on the list for the week. Needless to say we were pretty tired after the kids and grands left but it was a fun visit. Sophia enjoyed her one day of being alone with us at Grammy Camp. No not all that special this time but she did well being without her parents. Now to plan a better Grammy Camp for next time.
Week of
August 18, 2014
Find fabric I’m missing for Mystery Quilt√
Work on Row by Row √
Bind baby quilts√ well at
least 1 is done!
Sash Dresden baskets Not
Figure out entertainment during Grammy Camp√
Pick up Sophie for Grammy Camp√
Enjoy Jenny, Sophie,
Natalie and Brian’s visit√
Week of
August 25, 2014
Finish binding baby quilts
Sew Dresden baskets together into a top
Start next row by row
Wash more of the donated fabric
Visit Nag’s Head
Go to Sit and Stitch on Sunday
Plan quilting for the mystery for relay quilt
Not much planned for this week. I'm definitely going to finish the baby quilts as I need the finish. I did end up buying some fabric this week as I ran out of the background for the mystery quilt. I also bought fabric for the borders. I should get that finished soon so I can take it off the design wall.
I've been piling up things to quilt as I've got a computer kit on order from Nolting. When it comes in it will turn the whole long arm into a computerized quilting machine. I'm anxious for it to get here and I keep holding off quilting things but I need to start on some of my projects so I can finish and move the quilts on to their new lives.
Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times as your starting point for looking at design walls all over the internet.
Happy Quilting All!