Here it is Tuesday again and I didn't blog my normal Monday blog. I bet you can guess the reason too. It's this moving thing, again. I did get some sewing done last week. And, here it is, in all of its excitement!
Say, what is that? I am cursed blessed with lots of silver serving pieces. (Who needs 3 tea services?) We've slowly gotten rid of some of the pieces over the years but we really still have a lot. Until I finally got brave and cut a lot of them out of my life. Pat took them to be sold for the silver content the other day but most couldn't be sold as it is silver plate. (Not surprising they were wedding gifts for the most part.) What didn't sell we passed on to a thrift store run by the local Quakers. Love that all proceeds go to local charities. They were happy to receive what was left.
What you see above is me making silver cloth bags for what I've kept. I've been polishing silver and then making bags for the individual pieces I am keeping. I had some of the silver in the cloth before but decided it didn't take long to make the bags so that's what I'm doing. I'm not even taking time to finish the edges. Yea! I'm sewing. Boo, it isn't a lot of fun. I still have more to do so I will be getting some more sewing done over the next week .
I did get one of my baby quilts done on Ruthie this past week. I am trying to use of some of the excess batting I have so it made sense to quilt this top, bind it, and pass it on to the hospital. I tend to buy batting when it is on sale at JoAnns, especially if I have a 20% off everything coupon to pair with the sale. But, I really don't need to take 5 queen batts with me if I can use them and move the quilt out of the house!
This quilting design is called Ginger Snap by Apricot Moon. I like it because it does not nest -- all the rows are straight across the top and bottom. Makes for a faster quilting job and I don't need lots of extra backing fabric so I can run a partial row off of the top and bottom. Must get the binding chosen, cut and sewn.
On to my goals from last week.
May 30,
Quilt one QOV √
Finish cleaning and organizing front bedroom √
Clean and organize all spaces under the cutting table Ha!
Started on batting but the rest... nope, didn't happen.
Have fun with the grands visiting this weekend Nope, they
had to cancel
Spend some time sewing something!√ even if it was just silver bags.
This week's goals --
June 6,
Finish making bags for silver
Quilt 2nd QOV
Organize and Pack items under cutting table
Enjoy seeing Ellie and fix her shorts
Spend a day sewing with friends
That's it for today. As much as I'd like to post 2 blogs a week I doubt that will happen. I am aiming for my Monday blog every week but obviously, it might be late. Sigh. I'm linking up with Monday Makings, Main Crush Monday and Free Motion by the River. Enjoy some quiet time surfing quilting blogs for inspiration. I'm still getting a little quilting inspiration in each day.
Happy Quilting All!