Sunday, June 30, 2024

Monday Meanderings 7 - 1 - 2024

Is anybody beating the heat this week?  I’m confounded by temperatures that are staying in the 70s overnight!  Sunday wasn’t all that hot but the humidity was awful.  Feels like temp was in the mid 90s. I can't believe we'll have a low of 75 degrees this week. Yikes. 

But let’s not dwell on that. A quick update on my old Elna. There is a machine technician who will come to your house to repair machines. My friend Barbara had him come out on Wednesday last week and I asked if I could bring my machine over. He was happy to have another machine to work on. He cleaned and lube it. I spent that afternoon sewing on it. It worked really well for a 40 years old machine. 

Let’s see what I accomplished this week. One of the biggest accomplishments was getting a post up on Friday that showed two of my many finishes since the beginning of the year. Check it out here

My goal list isn't showing a bunch of ✅s.  But I'm happy with all I got done. 


✅Finish blue blocks and sew into top — one top done. 

✅Quilt one of my quilts — Spinner is quilted.

Bind one of my quilts — moved to next week.

✅Keep working on seaside top — more threads tied off, more stitching done.

Cut out a kit for July retreat — not yet.

Do you remember the blue blocks I shared last week? I made a pair of blocks to replace the yellow stripe ones.  And during a FaceTime call with my quilting buddy, Sharon, we came up with a new layout that worked. I'm happy to say I finished the top! 

Hum... the two light blocks on the bottom row look a lot alike.  Although in person they really don't seem that close.  These blocks are made in pairs.  I pulled two batiks  -- one blue and green (block 1, row 6) and the other was a light green (block 4, row 2.) 

My Spinner top has been quilted.  And, that's all I did with it this week.  The blocks were from 2022 Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Here's a peek.

Although the blocks were made in 2022, I actually put them together earlier this year.  Hopefully I'll get this quilt bound next week. 

Here's what I hope to work on this week. I'm keeping this list fairly short, with items easily completed.  


Make a small bag 

Keep working on seaside top

Process more scraps

Bind Spinner 

Cut out a kit for retreat 

I normally spend a lot of time in my studio but this week I was out shopping a few times. (Note: I am not a great fan of shopping!) But Barbara asked me to go with her to a quilt store a good hour away. Well, of course I said yes. We visited the Quilting Studio in Fairfax.  It is a beautiful shop with lots of fabrics. She was trying to find the perfect fabrics to make a quilt for her son and his wife -- starting with some flamingo fabric. She found the two great go with fabrics. I purchased a yard of a black with a little grey in it.  We didn't get home until after 2pm. I was impressed that she stayed up late and got about most of her pieces cut. Wow! 

The next day I needed to pick up something at the local mall so Pat and I went off to run a couple of errands and went out to lunch.  So, not as much studio time this week. 

I did get a start on a doll quilt from leftover pieces as an off list project.  Here's what I've done design wise.  I have the pieces for one more of the four patches ready to sew together. I have more of the blue and black fabrics.  I think I'll be adding a couple of borders to make it a little bigger.  Anyone know what size I should make a doll quilt? I probably won't work on this very diligently.  My guild is collecting doll quilts but I won't be at a meeting until August.  

The good news is I have had a great week of stitching for 15 minutes every day.  Here are the stats:

W/ending 6/30 — 182 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June = 30/30days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 175/182 days
  • Success rate = 96.1%
I have my doubts about how much I'll get done on my list this first week in July.  Our daughter and her family are coming down Friday to spend the night before they go on their beach vacation.  It helps them to skip the Saturday traffic through DC and Northern Virginia.  And, we get to spend some time with them.  And, I need to do a little cleaning too. (Bummer, I don't like to clean!) 

Maybe I'll get another late week post sharing a few more quilts I've finished.  But, as usual, don't hold your breaths! 

Here are my normal Linky parties.  Take a look around to see what folks are working on.  Oh Scrap, Life in Pieces Stitching Stuff, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I have the perfect solution for beating the heat for you-come to my house! Daytimes in the 70's and low 80's. And less humid too. Love how the blue quilt came together. It's always fun to have a road trip with a friend:)

  2. We've reached melting season here in Oklahoma, Vicki's temps sound like heaven. Congrats on all the stitching time, even with the shopping expeditions thrown in you did well. The blue and yellow blocks worked out well and those spinner blocks are so bright and bold. Enjoy the family time this weekend.

  3. Sounds like a great time ahead--I'm sure you will be working on the doll quilt, too!

  4. Good news about the Elba! Sounds like she just needed a spa day.


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