Sunday, March 16, 2025

Monday Meanderings 3 - 17 - 2025

I'm not sure what I did all week but I certainly didn't get much done on my goals list!  I did get the new Cali-Co block done though! My friend Sharon and I are doing this Mystery Block of the Month together. Every month we Face Time when the new block comes out and make our blocks while we chat.  It's a great way to keep up while we make a new block. 

Here's mine from this month. 

And here are all three blocks together. 

I really like them so far.  But I'll have to pay more attention to the fabrics I pick so they don't get dark -- I'm looking for light, bright fabrics. Cali-Co is sponsored by Coriander Quilts. You can go to her website and search for the three blocks on the third Saturday of each month.  I'm not sure I am thrilled with the number of half square triangles but I have a die for them! 

Here's last week's goals list. 


Quilt another of my quilts — didn’t even pick one to quilt! 

✅Quilt guild top and trim — done, ready to return. 

✅Continue working on March UFO — laid out blocks, changed some of the logs. 

Bind baby quilt — I picked the fabric out! 

Finished last FCQ Equilter blocks — ready to get them ready to mail. 

Here's the guild veteran quilt that I quilted. I really like the design I used called Quick and Easy Stars from My Creative Stitches. I have many star patterns but I  like this one because it incorporate swirls along with the stars. And, it's quick and easy just like its name! 

Here's my plan for the March UFO which is my half log cabin block.  I'm using the circles version. 

Look for the blue circle around the two orange blocks. On the top row second block from the left has been changed.  As has row 6, block 5. I decided they both stuck out like sore thumbs. I may move some blocks that might conflict with other blocks around them. Plus I notice that some of the lights look pretty dark in the bottom right corner.  I'll play with this one during the week and hopefully start sewing it together. 

Here are the FCQ Equilter blocks I've made. They are ready to be sent to my friend. 

These look great. I'm looking forward to seeing how these mix with the other blocks she is receiving. 

Now, on to my goals for this week. Hopefully, I'll get more done.


Quilt another of my quilts 

Start sewing March UFO blocks together

Bind baby quilt

Make a couple of placemats

Finish sewing the lining in the needlepoint scissors case 

Three are repeats from last week.  I've got half of the lining of scissors case sewn in. I just need to sew the other half in. The quilt guild meeting is this week so I hope to make a couple of placemats to donate. 

I've done a pretty good job getting my 15 minutes of sewing in every day. Today I repaired a fleece hoody for my grandson.  He evidently wears it all the time. The fleece may be too hot with spring coming. Here are my current numbers. 

W/ending 3/16/25. 75 days of 2025

  • 15 minute days/Mar = 7/7
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 75/75 days
  • Success rate = 100%

Yea!  I'm getting quite a bit of sewing/knitting done even though I'm not getting everything on my list done. 

Here are a couple more pictures from the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show.  One of the guilds I belong to did a challenge for their entries in the show.  Here's the sign explaining the challenge. I thought it was pretty interesting but I wasn't willing to commit to it. 

Here's my friend, Michele's quilt.  She started this in June at a retreat we were at. I'm sorry she didn't put the size on her author's statement.  I think the HSTs finished at 1". 

Here's an original design from the show. I love how vibrant the cat looks. And even though the edges are straight lines it doesn't look like they are. This cat has catatude! 

I'm linking with the following parties: 

   Stitching Stuff

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musings

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. You didn't do so badly on your to do list for the week. You are still making good progress on your projects. Your Cali Co blocks are really fun. That cat quilt is pretty spectacular. Your friends miniature is also pretty awesome. Best yet, you are still at 100% for your stitching time. Way to go!

  2. Surely you spent some time celebrating your birthday! I really like the Cali Co blocks. And thanks for the quilt show highlights.

  3. It's easy to spot a Sandy Curran quilt!
    I love the idea of challenge quilts but I prefer ones with a more open interpretation. Our guild did one where we had to pull two crayons out of a bag and use only those colours. I hated my colours so I didn't make a quilt!
    I enjoy Corey Yoder's style of teaching. Your blocks are sparking.

  4. I'm always amazed at quilts like the kitten one but do not enjoy making them myself! I will be an admirer! The quilts you've got in progress look great!

  5. I really like those squares you show first and that cat!!

  6. Love those cali co blocks - and all together they are so pretty

  7. As long as there are no deadlines it is perfectly okay to have a tad slower week. I haven't done much sewing this week either. None today either. I love the quilting design you chose for the QOV.

  8. Great star pantograph, Bonnie!!! Love Michele's quilt and the kitty quilt!!! Such striking colors in both of them!!!

  9. I think your Calico blocks look great, the variety of blocks works so well, I might have to use some of my leftovers for these - among the myriad other things I'm sewing.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.