Sunday, March 2, 2025

Monday Meanderings 3 - 3 - 2025

Last week I attended the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show.  I didn't have a lot of time because Pat, Sunny, and I were going to the beach house after the show.  (We did the same thing last year but no Sunny yet.)They spent time walking around the parking lot and sitting in the car.  I spent about an hour and a half at the show and saw a surprising number of the quilts and did just a little shopping. Okay, also one big shopping. I've been buying rolls of Pellon 80/20 batting from I Sew Desire Quilts.  This year was my third purchase. I now have a roll 90" by 30 yards.  It's 50% bigger than my former rolls. My first roll took two years to use up. The second roll is almost finished after a year.  Hopefully this bigger, third roll will last a year to two years. Except I am trying to turn more tops into quilts so ... who knows how long it will last. 

Afterwards we drove to Nags Head, NC to do a little work on our rental house. Some locks were changed, some baseboards were washed, some screens replaced and some spots painted.  A little shopping took place.  And Sunny went on a walk on the beach with us.  It was a beautiful day although not really warm. 

The above explains why I didn't do very well on my goals this week. Sigh. Here's what I was suppose to work on. (Remember I only had 3 1/2 days at home!) 


✅Finish knitting current sock and start its partner — Done. 2nd one barely started

Bind the R,W,B quilt

✅Go to MidAtlantic Quilt Show — Enjoyed the time I had! 

Make blocks for FCQ EQuilter of the month 

Here's the sock and the beginning of its mate. 

See my original sock I finished last March. ⬇️ Yep, it looked ridiculous.  I ripped it out and started over. Hopefully it won't take too long to finish the 2nd sock.  It's been so cold here this winter I've been wearing my hand knitted wool socks a lot. 

Here's what I hope to get done this week. I probably should think up a few more items but I haven't a clue at this point so I may add some off list project(s).


Bind the R,W,B quilt

Quilt another top 

Make blocks for FCQ EQuilter of the month

Cut a new kit out

Work on the March UFO challenge 

With JoAnn going out of business I've decided to try another source for backing fabrics. I recently purchased a bolt (15 yards) of fabric from Marshall Dry Goods. I chose a basic purple because I have several tops that this will work for backing and possibly the binding. I originally planned just to buy several lengths of fabric for some different colored tops. I was having a hard time making up my mind and thought I'd try a bolt. Bolt prices are less than by the yard fabs but no free shipping option for buying a lot.  As it turns out by the bolt plus shipping is cheaper than the fabric purchased by the yard. 

I plan to cut a couple of backing lengths from the bolt and then prewash it.  I'm pretty sure that one of the tops that the purple will work with will be my next top loaded on Ruthie. Check in next week! 

I took some picts of some of the quilts hanging at Mid-Atlantic.  I'll share a couple of them this week and if I remember, more will be shared over the next few weeks. First up is Lady Bug.  I specifically shot this quilt for my daughter-in-love. She loves bugs and was thrilled when I shared it with her.  Enlarge the picture to read all the interesting facts. Unfortunately, I was so excited to get the picture I forgot to photograph the maker's statement. Enjoy Lady Bugs and all the facts shared. Aimee said she nailed all the facts. 

Next is Midnight Compass by Laurie Mutalipassi.  Here's her card telling about her quilt. 

And her wonderful quilt. 

Look for more quilts in the upcoming weeks. 

I was able to keep up my 15 minutes of stitching every day.  I am lucky to be able to knit in the car so driving home I was able to start an easy hat. Here are the stats.

W/ending 3/2/25. 61 days of 2025

  • 15 minute days/Feb = 28/28
  • 15 minute days/Mar = 2/2
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 61/61 days
  • Success rate = 100%

I'm linking with these parties. Come join the fun by checking them out. 

Stitching Stuff

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

Happy quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. Sounds like a busy week. The bug quilt is really fun. I wonder if it was made for someone in the quilters family? Your sock turned out nicely, you picked a beautiful yarn to use for that pair. Good luck with your stitching plans for this week. Congrats on maintaining 100% with your stitching time this year!

  2. You must have been speed-viewing to spend only an hour and a half at the show. (Or you were acutely aware that Pat and Sunny were outside.) Hobby Lobby has good deals on 108" fabric. (I only buy fabric there, I swear.)

  3. P.S. The jelly fish quilt is beautiful!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.