Last week we had the tree I called the squirrel highway removed. It was just too close to the house. Our neighbor had 3 or 4 trees removed at the same time. So it was noisy around here for the morning.
At first they planned to lift it OVER the house. Needless to say I wasn't really thrilled with that as it was 3 stories at the back of the house.
They decided that wasn't quite the right way to go. So they moved that truck to the side of the house.
You can see the orange tape and the blue x on the tree that was removed on the third picture.
One of the guys rode the crane up to the top of the tree to attach it to the crane and cut the top off.
This was a lovely red maple tree so we are having the wood made into lumber. Pat will be making night stands for one of the bedrooms upstairs.
I know that tree top is somewhere in this last picture -- but I'm not sure where! I was sewing away at the time this was done although I did come out to take one of the pictures. Pat took the rest. I need to apologize to the squirrels for taking their tree. It is about time to put the bird feeder back out on the porch. I wonder where the critters will carry their seed to in order to eat it by themselves?
We've also planted 75 daffodil bulbs in hopes that we will have some spring flowers. Supposedly deer won't eat daffodils. Squirrels will, but not deer. Something has been digging up the bulbs but the two I replanted today (in the rain) weren't chewed on. I've still got some gladiola and hyacinth bulbs to plant. Should have done it when the weather was good. Hopefully we'll have some pretty flowers in the spring. I'll keep you posted.
I've been finishing some small projects quilt-wise. Today I realized I'm not exactly sure where the "The Witch Is In" quilt is. I was sewing on the binding on Monday night at guild meeting. I sure hope I didn't leave it there. Although I am sure someone would have grabbed it for me. (just remembered what bag it was in and sure enough -- it was there. Tomorrow I'll finish it. )
Happy Quilting All!