Remember last post with the broken glasses? Well, new glasses take a while with my prescription so I am trying multifocal lenses. I've worn them a little bit on Thursday -- didn't want to try to drive in the snow storm. Wore them 3 hours on Friday. Um, er, folks, I can't see up close to do anything except knit an easy pattern. Saturday I wasn't home long enough to be able to wear them. Now I have them in again. I can't see details very well. No sewing for me cause I can't thread the sewing machine. Can't see well enough to hand quilt the witch is in wall hanging. I can barely read what I've typed here so please excuse me if there are errors! I believe a different pair is on order that might have more power in the left eye. So, I'm close-up blind until around 8:15 or so.
We were forecasted to get 4 to 8" of snow. It was snow
ing in the morning but didn't keep it up. And, then the temperature started going up. Supposedly we'll have a couple of days in the upper 40's, lower 50s. Yee Haw!
Tomorrow morning I hope to get some sewing done before wearing the contacts. I'm trying to make this little pumpkin quilt as a give away for the quilt group. I'll keep you posted. I'm off to suffer not seeing up close right now -- no quilting, no reading books, no reading emails! What's a girl to do?
Happy quilting all!

Your contacts sound like what I went through last year. I tried 9 different pairs of lenses and NOTHING worked. I'm wearing my glasses...oh well. I hope you have better luck.