Ah, isn't he cute? Well sure but that doesn't mean he isn't having adventures.
A couple of days ago Pat pried a silver, dimpled disc from Ragg's mouth. He had no clue what it was and asked me about it. OOPS! That HAD been my leather coin thimble. We never found the leather part of the thimble. Mine wasn't in the wrapper but that's quite a bit of leather missing. Trust me, I'm not looking for it out in the snow!

Ragg's has also been waking up at night and wanting to play or talk to whoever or look out the windows. We've covered the two windows with paper where he tore up the blinds. Now, he's nosed off some of the tape. Around 1:00 to 2:00 am he's begun barking. He starts off with a little growl, then a little yip and finally works his way up to a full fledged bark. If he doesn't get quiet he gets sent to solitary confinement -- his bed in his crate with the door closed, in our bedroom. The good news is Kona doesn't start barking also. Raggs just goes off to sleep, no more barking so don't feel too sorry for him.
Thanks to everyone who commented on Plaza del Sol. I won't be sewing it together right away so I'm going to think about which one to use. Stay tuned for further info on it.
Today I spent time trying to get more of my A Tisket, A Tasket ready to sew. I was tracing the designs on my freezer paper. After tracing for about an hour I realized I was suppose to copy the designs from the wrong side. ARGH. Reviewing what was done I realized many of the pieces were fine as they were symmetrical. I'll be tracing the sheep, the witch and some of the other items over. I only have 3 blocks completely done. I have 2 close to done but several aren't even traced yet. What got me working on this again is Anne has a new, free, block of the month, Snowbound. Too, too cute. I will save the patterns but I don't think I will start them until I finish A Tisket, A Tasket. Plus, I have a hand applique quilt that I started years ago that I haven't done all the blocks for yet. I'm thinking of dragging that one out eventually and finish whatever number of blocks I need and then design a border for it. I made my blocks a different size than the instructor's so the applique borders don't fit. I can make up my own, I'm sure of it! But, the baskets come first.
Ragg's says "Happy Quilting All! (more fabric for me to grab!)"
Raggs must be sensing the deer coming into your yard at night. He is just trying to protect you.