Do you have a Go Box? What, you ask, is a Go Box? To me it is a project I can grab and go and know that for the most part I have things I can sew. I was up babysitting Ellie because Aimee was out of town for work and not sure when she was coming back and Kevin was joining Pat and Brian at the beach house. They were going deep sea fishing. So, I grabbed a sewing machine and its box of accoutrements and one of my project boxes.
Here's the details of my "Go Box." I have several plastic Artbin boxes I purchased from JoAnn Stores when they were half price. I keep current projects in the boxes so that I can just grab and work on a particular project. Currently, Bonnie Hunter's mystery, Easy Street, from a couple of years ago is in 2 of the boxes. One has all the pieces I've made, up to clue 7. The other has the leftover fabrics. I decided just to take the units box and see what I could do with it. Hum, not as much as I thought. I was able to piece one section of a finished block. I had also put in a few other small projects which I did first. I'm happy to report I have 10 lottery blocks done for the October retreat.

Here's part of one block. I like that gray with it. Except that's the ironing board. Not to worry, the next pieces are black and white units and somewhere in this quilt there is some gray. These colors really have a lot of zing! If I finish this quilt before November I might start the new mystery that Bonnie Hunter starts every Thanksgiving. We'll see.
Ellie was a lot of fun to be with although, I did take her to day care. She wore me out! I wish I had half her energy. Here she is being her cute self!
And now the vacationing men ....
This is the fish dinner we enjoyed.... Pat and I shared this one little fish with fresh homegrown tomatoes and a roll. (It was very tasty but I was still hungry after eating it!) We have quite a few more fish to enjoy. I've never had such fresh fish.
That's it from me today. I'm linking up with Fabric Frenzy Friday.
Happy Quilting All!
I keep projects in plastic shoeboxes. I can see the advantage to the type of box you're using -- the handle would be handy indeed, and they'd stack nicely. But do I need more plastic storage boxes? I think I'd better hold off....Miss Ellie is darling (and getting so big!).
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog -- to answer your question -- I never use a pattern. I just think of some effect or technique I want to try; then sketch it out on graph paper; do the math and go for it! Don't think I've ever owned a pattern. Hope you step out and design something as it is rewarding. Your Ellie is a cutie and, I'm sure a hand full!!! Sally
ReplyDeleteI have a travel knitting bag filled with projects, but not one for sewing or quilting.
ReplyDeleteI've a grab bag which is full of EPP hexagons. That's been on some miles with me. My other projects are in various baskets in my sewing room
ReplyDeleteI just made some of these Go boxes when I was cleaning my sewing room. I am hoping it will help me get to work on a few things!
ReplyDeleteI have both an embroidery bag and a hand work box that I can grab if I need something to work on while waiting or when I'm away from home and the sewing machine. It works pretty well and I make progress on some of my slower paced projects.