I was busy taking photos of quilts while I was down in Maryland. Here are a few that I can share with you now.The quilt on the left is owned by my buddy, Sharon. It was a round robin done by members of Faithful Circle Quilters. I know Sharon did the center square with the white background. A different member did each section according to the rules. The quilts were kept in plain bags so no one knew whose quilt they were working on. I particularly like the final border with the interesting corners. I checked them out carefully. I believe they were machine appliqued on. The amazing thing about this is the colors are some of Sharon's favorites. I've seen round robin quilts change drastically from the beginning squares. This one has pride of place in Sharon's house.
Monday night I attended the weekly Faithful Circle

Designs. Debra was talking about creativity. Along the way she showed us many of her patterns (including lots that had been released this summer.) Notice the Ohio stamp behind Debra. (it's new)
I liked the little Scotty dogs. Also, notice that great use of large rick rack.

Here are more of her stamp designs. Debra gave much credit to FCQ and its members because of one of our challenges. The Baltimore Stamp was the first. The building under the T and I was the challenge fabric. It was a colorful geometric print. Debra's entry had people asking for patterns. She has been adding stamps over the last few years. Her newest is one about beaches.

Debra showed us how she developed her creative ideas. One of the things I learned was how she uses her computer to make letters. She picks a font, types her word into her word processing software and enlarges the word as large as she needs it. Then she chooses outline and prints it out to use it as her pattern. I'm planning on trying it on one of my quilts soon.
I've had a good day getting blocks ready for tomorrow's Mt. Laurel Quilt Guild's meeting. We're turning in our Halloween blocks tomorrow. I still need to make a little something as a give away. It does seem to keep people entering blocks. (And, I use up some of my stash!)
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