(according to Dictionary.Com -- have you found this site? It's great when I can't spell something or I want to quickly figure out if I am using the correct word or a word correctly.)
My quilting has been going slowly. No major deadlines, no minor deadlines either. I'm drifting a bit. Today I will be working on the blocks for FCQ Equilters. And, maybe a block of a month for Faithful Circle Quilters. Then, if I finish those I'll make a decision about what quilt/s I'll focus on over the next week. And, hopefully at that point I'll ramp up my quilting (to build up....).
Are you going to the Pennsylvania National Quilt Show outside of Philadelphia from Sept. 17 to 20th? I plan on going on Thursday, 9/17. And, for part of the time I will be selling raffle tickets for this quilt:

It is the biannual raffle quilt for Faithful Circle Quilters in Columbia, Maryland. This is the quilt that won Reserve Champion at the Maryland State Fair. The drawing is scheduled for April, 2010 at our next quilt show. If you are at the show, stop by and buy some tickets. Tell them, Bonnie S. sent you. If you are there on Thursday, maybe

we can meet. I believe the quilt is entered into the show so you may need to do a bit of searching to find it.
You can see more pictures of it at Faithful Circle's web site. Enjoy!
I love the borders of the raffle quilt, such lovely detail, but I wonder why the wreath is in the center: it pulls the eye away for the rest of the quilt and demands all of the attention. Does the wreath symbolize something that I am missing?