Double bow tie blocks -- are now on the design wall. Yes, something new to share. Oops mistake in the bottom left row... It's amazing how photos sometimes make mistakes stand out even though we've looked and looked at the design before photo is taken. (Except I just slapped these guys up and snapped. No looking for the most part.)
These are four pillow cases I made from kits. My guild had a pillow case day after the last meeting but I was on my way to see Miss Sophia and family so I only stayed a short time and took the kits home. It was so much fun to work with different fabric than what I have. I wish there had been some scraps to save, but alas, none!
So, then I made one from my own fabric to donate through a local quilt shop for the Million Pillow Case Challenge. Nothing fancy but a good way to use some fabric up. I laugh at myself because I have a hard time letting go of my fabric. Some I just swear I have to keep until used in a quilt. But, maybe I am getting better as it didn't take me all that long to pick these pieces out. (by the way, this is only 1/4th of the case.)
Have you seen the Just One Star effort by Moda and Minnick and Simpson? Here's the skinny on it at Moda's blog. And here's the link to the pattern for the star block. It's not too late to make one or a few blocks to send to Moda. They are making the quilts. Go take a look and add a star or two to your quilting plans. Just One Star will make a difference. I was pleased to see a note about Quilts for Valor -- as of Feb. 2011 over 37,000 quilts have been given to service men and women. Wow. Quilters are amazing people.
Now, on to the goals' confessions.
This week's goals:
• Finish Super Duper Easy (heck the binding is ready to be put on.) Oops – still need to finish hand stitching ¾ of it.
• Sew rows together on current mystery and plan borders (nope, borders are not always included in these mysteries...) done and shown last entry.
• Keep working on the double bow ties... I only need 16. Did some but need 6 more.
• Quilt the Valentine Quilt and finish it up! OOPS – nothing done.
• Keep making chunky churn dash blocks. Design the quilt top so I don't make too many blocks! Made a few and have an idea for chunky churn dash design
• Non quilt goal -- dust house and vacuum all the floors in the downstairs. (Hey, it worked for weeds, maybe it will work for cleaning!) YEAH did that – but oops it was wall board sanding time in the bathroom remodel. OMG fine white dust all over the bedroom and seeping into other rooms.
This week’s goals.
• Finish Super Duper Easy
• Quilt and finish Valentine Quilt
• Finish all blocks for double bow tie blocks, sew together
• Figure out the design for chunky churn dash blocks and make whatever number of blocks needed
• Get the gray border on the Bumble Bee Quilt UFO
• Organize recipe 3 ring binder and make divider pages. (Ok, it worked to list housekeeping and weeding goals, I thought I would give this a shot.)
Ok, that should do it for today. Check out other design walls at Patchwork Times. Happy Quilting All!