design is number 1181 in Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt
Patterns. It is attributed to Nancy Page with no date listed. As often seen,
the block acquired additional names through the years. In 1938 the “Kansas City Star” named
the block a “Quilt of Variety.” Then
in 1941 it became “The Quint Five Quilt.” My guess is this is a reference to the Dionne Quintuplets who
were born in 1934 and became a major tourist attraction. You can search for more
information on the quints, the first quintuplets to survive infancy. You can find a printer friendly version here.
Cutting directions are for 6”
to cut
Background Squares
3 ½”
Various Fabrics Triangles
1 ½” triangle template
Here are
the pieces for one section laid out.

Here are four sections ready to be sewn into rows.
Before you sew, see what else you can do with this block! I’ve seen these two together called hugs and kisses. Wouldn’t they make a cute Valentine’s Day quilt in white, reds and pinks?
Sew the two rows together matching the centers and the
triangles. Your all done. A quick,
easy block.
To change the look of this block consider using either the
1” or 2” triangle templates. The 1”
would show lots more of the background fabric while the 2” would show much
less. Consider what size scrap
triangles you have left. Change
the size of the background square to use the triangles you have left. Have fun playing with this design.
Did you miss Triangle Thursday last week? I’ve decided to post TT on the first
and third Thursday every month. If
I were truly organized I would have a bunch of these already written up and
ready to post. I don’t! I do them every week!
I remember seeing magazine photos of the Dionne quints that my mother clipped out. The quints were quite rare in the days before fertilization clinics.