Here we are at Monday again. Do you think the month is flying by or is it just me? I'm getting things done but wow time flies when you are having fun!
I've been working on blocks to send off to various people. First up are my blocks for Alycia's Quilt of Valor Big Blowout Block Drive. You can still make some of these blocks and send them in to be in her drawing. Check out the directions here. Deadline is October 31. Yep, plenty of time to use up some of your stash. I had to cut fat quarters for the bigger star sections but the strings all came from stash. Yahoo!
Directions for block 2 of the Big Blowout Block Drive are here. I had to cut some of the yellow/golds but the rest were from my collection of 2.5" strips. Yippee! This block is so effective. (someone clue me in if I'm suppose to be writing affective. You'd think I would have learned that one by now! I need a quick test for that and don't tell me affective means action ... it doesn't always work for me!)
These will be going in the mail either today or tomorrow. Along with other blocks I've made recently. These blocks go to Amanda of the Quilting Bee group. She is making a nautical flags quilt. I have to admit I chose easy blocks but boy did they make up fast. Can you guess what I wrote here? I'll tell you at the bottom of the post... You can find the pattern for these blocks here.
And my last batch of blocks are for the block of the month lotto drawing at Faithful Circle Quilters. It is from and is called Crayon Box. Click on the name to go to the directions. I've got several more in the works so I need to finish them today to get them in the mail with my membership renewal. Loved that all this fabric came from my 2.5" strip drawer. This will be a very scrappy quilt when done.
I've also been sewing the blocks of the shaded 9 patch together, the orange peel and the crazy little triangle quilt. No pictures of those yet although I did finish sewing all the little triangles together. On to my weekly goals...
Week of
September 16, 2013
Bind Bumble Bees & Flowers quilt um, the binding is ready….
Make last 3 QOV blocks and mail to Colorado√
Get peach quilt on Ruthie and start quilting backing is loaded, the panto is prepared
Finish sewing orange peel blocks together well, progress has been made
Use 4 patches from demo to make a baby quilt I’ve made some more blocks but I haven’t any space on the
design wall to lay it out.
Continue sewing the mini triangles together√
Week of
September 23, 2013
Trim Bumble Bee & Flowers Quilt
Sew the binding on Bumble Bee & Flowers
Finish sewing Orange Peels together into a top
Finish loading peach quilt and quilt it
Make binding for the peach quilt
Make pillow cases with Kay and friends for nursing home
Finish sewing blocks into rows for shaded 9 patch
And, the Tea Group will be meeting this week. I'm looking forward to hosting the gals making the pillow cases in my new studio. So I do need to vacuum, dust, clear off the various sewing and cutting spaces, and set up a couple of more sewing machines. Yep, isn't that great. I can probably have 4 or 5 sewing machines set up and running in this wonderful studio.
Saturday was my 5 year anniversary of blogging. Check Saturday's blog for information on my giveaway. You have until Thursday, midnight EST to sign up for your chance to win.
And don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to find links to blogs sharing Design Wall Monday with you. The flags above are PBS -- one of my favorite tv stations and hubby and my initials.
Happy Quilting All!