This arrived in the mail late last week. It's my registration packet for the MQX show in April. It is suppose to be fabulous for long arm quilters. And, for those of you who aren't there are still lots of non-long arm classes available. Many teachers have classes geared to those who quilt with domestic sewing machines (dsm). I am looking forward to going. And, I'm making a list of things I want to buy. Top on the list is more thread. (Heck, I've got a whole rack full of thread but I never seem to have the color I want.) My plan is to replace colors I've used up like red and than add some colors I don't have. And, then there is the cotton versus poly thread question. I think I've finally gotten the tension balanced and apparently I am having as good of luck with cotton as with the poly. Hum, what to do, what to do!
I've been keeping at Heidi's quilt. Here are some little floral motifs I've done where the blocks come together. (Anything that screams orange is most likely red.)

Here are the arcs I am making over the red (yea, it's really red) sections. I am going to be turning the quilt 90 degrees and then go the other way on the reds and get the borders also. I was hoping to take it off Ruthie today so that I can repin it tonight. But, I'm finding myself pretty tired. We'll see how well my feet recover.

I am almost done with the binding and the sleeve for Plaza del Sol. I need to take a picture after it is finished. I am entering it and some other quilts in Faithful Circle's quilt show. The show is held in Columbia, Maryland on April 29, 30 and May 1. We usually hang 350 to 400 quilts if I remember correctly. Several vendors come and we have a great Peddler's Table. (another thing I am trying to do -- organize what I am putting up for sale.) We also have a great Silent Auction where members donate items to be sold for our education program. If you need more info leave me a comment or send me an email and I'll let you know the details.
Time to get back to Ruthie. Lots to do before the day is done... or to do tomorrow... Happy Quilting All!
It looks great!