How could a whole week just fly by? I have little to show that I worked on this past week. I did get some more units of the Galaxy blocks done. Here are some that need to be trimmed up. Although it sounds daunting to trim up each unit for a block the end results are fabulous. I just haven't hung around the tv recently to actually trim stuff up. It's hard to complain when perfect "V Blocks" result from that trimming up.
This is new fabric for some more pillows for the beach house. The leaves fabric was used for the 16" pillows I did before. The pillows look lost on the couch. So, I'm going to make 2 20" pillows today. They are so darn fast I can do them sandwiched in whatever else I decide to do today, besides a bit of lawn work.
Goals were met this week for the most part but I don't feel like I've sewn for days -- although I know I have.
Week of
May 18, 2015
Continue on Galaxy Blocks √
Load and begin to quilt Wild Dogs √
loaded the backing but nothing else done
Keep progressing on Love Shack √
almost done
Figure out Christmas blocks to make a table runner Nothing done…
Week of
May 25, 2015
Finish something before June 1, anything!
Sew last 2 borders on Love Shack and maybe quilt it
Make pillow covers
Enjoy the beach
Read some books
Summer has finally settled in on us. The weather recently has been warm but the humidity is low. It makes the days so nice whether indoors or outdoors. I was helping with yard work. (Who me??? I hate yard work. I am not a gardener!) I was shocked to find the deer in the neighborhood had chewed my hydrangea. They don't always feast on it so I was surprised. Lots of stems with no leaves sticking up. Darn.
May we all take a little time today to honor our military who continuously work so that we may enjoy freedom.
Happy Quilting All!