Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Bags Are Packed

I'm ready to go . . .

I'll be leaving for MQX in Rhode Island in a couple of hours. (how about an hour and a half...) So I leave you with photos of Raggs and his toy. Here's the Tiger he got for Christmas right after it came out of the wash. Raggs gets his soft toys so dirty that Pat finally tried one in the washer. Since it didn't destroy the toy (or the squeaker) all the toys have been going through the wash.
I was messing around with Raggs before bed last night. I put him on his back on our bed and waited for Pat to go to bed. Raggs sat (laid?) that way for a good 5 minutes with me in the hall reminding him to stay. Pat roared with laughter when he walked into the room and saw him. I told him to stay (again) and ran off to get the camera.
Hope you have a laid back day!

I'm off to the shower to get ready to go on the road. Hopefully my next post will be from the MQX show or at least on the road to it.
Happy Quilting All

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip..That Rags is adorable. I wish I could be that laid back.



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