There were a lot of wonderful, interesting quilts on display at MQX in Providence, RI last week. I got a big kick out of this one. People were oohing and awing over this wonderful Baltimore Album quilt. Getting closer and closer and oops ... it is a beautifully printed cloth with nice quilting on it. With my warped sense of humor, I enjoyed standing by it and watching people respond to it. Several times as they got closer and closer I broke the spell by saying, you realize it is printed don't you. Uh, um, no... When I do my Baltimore Album it will most likely be done this way. Mimi Dietrich do you have another line out? I don't have the swags and border for the last line you did!

Then there was this lovely ensemble that was shown with the wearables. (No one said who got to wear it!) I forget the title but it was a lovely coat/dress? for a doggy. And, it earned a blue ribbon. If it were a different color I am sure Raggs would look stunning in it. Yea, right. But I did think it was cute. And, notice the shoes. What clever quilters there are in the world.

Last, I'll share this dog quilt. (Is there a theme going on here?) I took this picture specifically because I've got about 6 blocks of this quilt done. I need to haul it out and work on the machine applique again and finish the darn blocks. I think I only got 9 of the doggies instead of all 12. There were bone shapes quilted in the sashing and dog paws in the borders. Arf!
Tomorrow I'll be in Maryland as Jenny and Brian reveal the sex of the soon to be first grandchild. (Well, 4 and half more months soon.) Jen said something about making a cake and coloring it pink or blue on the inside to let us know. Hum, I wonder what they'll do if the baby is turned the wrong way? I'm 2 rows into that darling baby sweater and stopped because you knit the buttonholes on one side if female and the other for a boy. Rats. So, maybe I'll start up again on it if they are pretty sure about it. And, does the little tyke really care what side the buttons go up? I don't think so. When I get back to home I'll only have a few days to finish a top, sew some hanging sleeves on, organize stuff to sell at the peddlers table and finish a mini quilt. Yea, right. Something will have to give no doubt.

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