I was shocked to see a whole week has passed since last I wrote... Parts of it was busy, parts not so busy.
On Wednesday we drove back down to Maryland and stayed at J & B Bed and Breakfast and dinner for that matter. Jen and Brian are always so accommodating. Raggs got to stay and play with Kona. Thursday we got up and traveled the rest of the way to Powhatan. Where we had lunch at a fabulous Mexican restaurant. Sorry, can't tell you the name but can tell you we've eaten there twice. (Did I mention we really like Mexican food?)
Our plan that day was to go through the home inspection. Yikes, he was thorough but we were very happy to find out there wasn't much wrong with the house that couldn't be fixed fairly easily. I spent time measuring things and doing a little mental furniture placing. I recorded colors in my little notebook.
For the most part I like the way the house is decorated. Most of the rooms have borders at the top of the room. Here's one in one of the guest rooms. I'm not so happy with this room with its rose carpeting. The border will have to go . . . eventually. The carpet won't be as easily replaced as it is new. However, I think I have a quilt that will work with the color.

This is the border in the other guest room. (Our kids like to come together hence, the two guest rooms.) I don't have any quilts that will match this room. One of the walls is painted red, if I remember correctly. I like it so maybe a new quilt will be forthcoming.
One of the things that sold us on the house was the rooms upstairs. Two bonus rooms, one already set up as a studio or craft room. That blue thing in the middle is a cutting table. What looks like a red wall is actually painted corkboard (a couple of pairs of pants are hanging in front of it.)

Here is a corner workstation with a built in place for a sewing machine. (Yep, a checkbook was left out on the desk while the home was being shown... strange.) And, notice the peony in the vase. There is a beautiful peony plant in the yard and probably a dozen rose bushes. Wash those vases, I'm going to have flowers in the house again!

And, then there is this nice long row of shelves. A place for everything and everything in its place. Well, that is the plan at least. However, there are no closets so everything will be in sight.
I have begun packing up a little in the sewing room with the type of storage in mind. I have mixed feelings about all of these built ins. I like to have two sewing stations available. I want my big board up somewhere. And there isn't much room for that. And, I know with this much surface space available I will probably cover it several times over. But, I tend to keep my fat quarters in short baskets so this will be perfect for them. I'll have to decide whether I want my yardage in here or whether it will be on my shelving unit in the other room. Ruthie will be in the other room with the shelving unit. One of the things I like about that is my fabrics are at eye level. Yikes, it might be too tall. I'm not sure it will work here because the walls bend (so to speak.) And, I'll need to pay attention to how much sun comes in and at what times.
One thing I know is I will need to live with the room for a while before I know whether it is wonderful, workable or needs some modification. It does provide a wonderful amount of storage although not necessarily where and how I like it. But, I am adaptable.
Our return to J & B's was uneventful. We were there in about 2 hours, 45 minutes even at the end of rush hour. Raggs had behaved himself. (Phew, I was worried about that.) Friday we drove off to PA to get serious about this move. I am still sewing... hey, a girl has to have some fun. I've packed a few boxes. Luckily we don't have to pack the whole house. I just want to pack my studio so I know where things are when we unpack. I've also been going through boxes of papers from when I was a Media Specialist. The recycling bin is seeing a lot of that stuff. I am keeping some papers and books that would work for young story times. You never know what I will feel like doing in the future.
Now it is time for breakfast and to begin another day of sewing and packing. Hopefully more packing than the three boxes already done.
Happy Quilting!