Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Mystery Top Together

In March, Marge of Delaware Quilts and Mysteries for Relay gave her mystery participants a Super Duper Easy quilt mystery. Well, it was a super duper easy quilt but it was really time consuming. I got nearly all the pieces made on the day of the mystery. So I kept plugging away on it. One thing I wanted to do before I got serious about this move was make these pieces into a quilt top. During the last few weeks I've been getting the rows together and yesterday I finally got all the rows sewn together. I haven't taken the time to iron it ... and I probably won't until I decide to finish it. I'm thinking I'll finish the stars on all four sides. It was a great way to use up stash. But for now its packed up. Next mystery is scheduled for late July... and I plan to be ready for it!

Here's a little bit of eye candy. Jen wanted to make a table runner for a friend. Brian designed it, Jen produced it. Jen and I basted it when we were down last week.
And, for those of you who are Ragg's fans ... Pat and Raggs were waiting for me at one of the "rest" stops. We are all pretty tired of driving. We've been up and down between Virginia and Pennsylvania about three times in about 5 weeks. Plus another two trips for me between Rhode Island and the MQX show and Maryland for FCQ's show. I'm happy to stay home for a few more weeks even if I will be really busy.

Tomorrow's plans include quilting a charity quilt. And, maybe I should get another box packed. I've done about 3 so far. Hum, I probably need to speed up the packing some also. But my distraction (fun) with sewing is coming to an end tomorrow. Bummer, but I'll be much happier if I pack my own sewing stuff! And, I'll know what's where when I get to the other end.

Happy quilting all!


  1. The mystery quilt is great. I think I will try to make one.

  2. I really like the mystery quilt-would make a good leader/ender quilt project...going to think about it :)
    Hope your moving/packing/unpacking goes as smoothly as possible!

  3. you are smart to pack your own sewing room things. I just moved from one state to another and was so exhausted I let the movers pack. Bad idea! I'm having a hard time finding some important things. Love your blog and esp. love RAGGS.......I so miss my doggie who passed away but now I have two cats..sewing cats.

  4. Love your quilt Bonnie, glad you finally got it nearly done. Now... how about the million pieces quilt, LOL!

  5. Guess you can tell I've been a little behind on reading your blog as I'm posting a comment on a post from back in May! ;)

    but I wanted to tell you that your mystery quilt - it's sooo scrapOHlishious! ;) love those start points being the solid... among all the scrappy 4 patches!

    I'm currently hosting a scrappy 4 patch swap (due to me in just a week = end of July) and wanted to ask if I can share a photo of your quilt along with a link back here to your blog with all 40 of my participants? ;) a little "eye candy" for them while they wait on me to do the swapping.... :)

    we all are "Bonnie Hunter" fans! and b/c she uses these scrappy light/dark 4 patches in several of her patterns I decided to host a swap and so far everyone is excited about having lots of scrappy units on hand for putting together their favorite Quiltville pattern... or perhaps one like you did in the mystery ;)

    Round 2 for scrappy 4 patches are already being planned for this fall with a due date of October 31. They go together soooo fast using the strip piecing method. ;) ....just in case you might think you could use some more....

    but I'm sure you are busy enough unpacking ;) congrats!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie


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